Sunday, May 24, 2020

homeess in america Essay - 1444 Words

Homeless in America Homeless in America When we are little we never see ourselves being homeless, we only have dreams of having a good life that has family, love, lots of money, nice cars, and big houses; we never think maybe we might end up homeless with nothing but the clothes on your back. Being American and in â€Å"the land of opportunity† we see and hear of endless possibilities, but everyone does not get to enjoy the possibilities because the possibilities are not really endless. Homelessness in America is a persistent, complex, and widely-occurring problem that incorporates many economic, social, and psychological dimensions. After years of war and economic decline, the ranks of the homelessness have grown to include†¦show more content†¦Some homeless steal food to feed themselves or their families it’s like you can go so many days without food or to let your family go without food before you have that thought of just stealing to provide. Some homeless panhandle and beg for money which is sta rting to be against the law due to panhandlers starting to be violent, they use to be happy with what you gave them or really mad that you did not give anything. Also there are laws that are considered to be criminalizing to the homeless by restricting the sitting and sleeping areas allowed, prohibits begging, and permits them from sleeping under bridges. Policies with dealing with the homeless is that even though they are of a lower class then most being treated with respect and them still having rights even though they do not pay taxes as human beings. Policies of no soliciting signs are in front of stores to keep the homeless from scaring off customers. More policies are still being processed about what is right and wrong about being homeless after places to sleep and sit and other things. Being homeless in America there programs that are out to help the best they can to get them off the street and to make sure they have a place to sleep at night. In communities some churches try to help with paying rent if you lost your job, then

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