Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Space For The New Orthopedic Service Line Construction Essay Example For Students
Space For The New Orthopedic Service Line Construction Essay Before the assurance to develop is resolved there are a few mitigating factors that must be viewed as first which are: making customer contemplates dependent on progressively characterized network contribution, making statistical surveying to see the area to build the establishment, taking clasp with the other specializer or part gatherings to tune in to their contribution on developing the establishment given their past cognizance, taking clasp to focus on the other not-for-benefits inside the city and the territory to dissect their key spots, and some other insight starting that can be used to do the best assurance on building the clinical office. We will compose a custom exposition on Space For The New Orthopedic Service Line Construction explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The thought to focus is run into the requests of our conceivable essential customers or patients, any back uping current customers, proficient clinical staff, board individuals from the hospital or clinical gathering so as to run into the viewpoints of the five twelvemonth key program. Another assurance could be to focus non on holding patients come to us yet developing the workplace in region networks which is the new point of convergence for building littler clinical office close to shopping which makes it progressively helpful for patients. In reconsidering the benefits of developing the new establishment there are little totals given area of the establishment, for example, if the establishment was based nearby it would be an expected aggregate of $ 600,000 versus the establishment being manufacture following to the grounds which is a little expansion of $ 700,000 which is a distinction of only 100,000. By developing an optional establishment there would be additional expense for building an additional MRI which would be about $ 3,000,000 in any case, the off-set would be additional patients could utilize the MRI which would expand net. By developing the establishment the doctor bunch can use the develop of work to-suit so as to design an establishment that has the ability to focus on boundless effectiveness and amplify productiveness. When mapping out projects for developing an establishment one aspect is the expense of per square pes to focus on. So if our clinical office is between 6,000-7,000 and $ 350.00 per square pes which incorporates the land buy fiscal worth which would be maximum restriction of $ 2,450,000. In any case, on the off chance that we fabricate an office that is 10,000 square pes the money related worth dabs by $ 200.00 per square pes which so approaches $ 1,500,000 which would be not exactly the primary total the better assurance is build the 10,000 square pes structure so in bit there would be more building at less expense and space to spread out. At the point when a clinical foundation is sing spread excursion it is incredibly imperative to focus on the four nations recorded underneath: Quality and Safety Administration Excellence Staff Achievement Development and Profitability By building an establishment the point of convergence will hold a more grounded achievement rate given the individualized area and having the option to hold a greater effect dependent on being mixed in with the clinic Numberss. In the event that the building were manufactured the classifications going to might increment to gt ; 75 % and the CMS orthopedic list set could other than increment to gt ; 90th percentile which would explicitly better the quality and security point of convergence. By being in an area that is open by patients the top rated instrument is by expression of oral cavity of the patients and they may probably expand the sign of this progression of gt ; 90th per centum each piece great as the doctor fulfillment mark which with everything taken into account would run into the administration greatness steps of the establishment given the area the structure is inherent. The other aspect would hold a nearby clinical office that spends significant time in orthopaedicss may decrease agreement of the hospital by reducing the medical procedures which is at 14,800 and lessening the figure of ER visits which is by and by 36,100 which in curves would build gross of the clinical office. By ramifying off from the hospital and structure an establishment the doctor gathering would get down from the earliest starting point and higher the best orthopedic nursing staff to think about the patients and given the positive condition of the new office the keeping pace of the staff would increment to gt ; 90 % which would better the staff achievement steps. Last, the careful examples could increment to more than 2100, and the non-intrusive treatment visits could increment to more than 6,500 given the size of the structure and whole of specialists of healers that were recruited to think about patients. This would thusly expand the outskirt of more noteworthy than $ 2,171,500 which would rise above the developing and gainfulness steps. Another progression to focus on is the income upgrade factor on the grounds that a worry can deduct the income improvements taken out on the development on a one-year balance which can be an incredible cost retirement funds including taking away contribution on the buy advance, assets income upgrades and other adjustment disbursals. Building this clinical office it would execute an effective key program illustrated in the sheets five twelvemonth program and increment non only in volume and improved monetary open introduction for the hospital concern. It will thusly expansion administrations offered to the network by using the most exceptional assaults to hinder, or analyze, including dealing with malady forms affecting 1000s in the network. Outline1 B. Purchasing SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE.2 c. Renting SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE.3 2. Talk THE DISADVANTAGES ( LIABILITIES AND RISKS ) FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING Option:4 a. Building SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE.5 B. Purchasing SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE.6 c. Renting SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE.7 3. Prescribe WHAT YOU CONSIDER TO BE THE BEST OPTION FOR THE FACILITY. B. Purchasing SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE. Focal points of buying would incorporate the income improvement benefits for outline the contribution on things income upgrades including home loan could be charge deductable and the contributing assets completely could perchance expostulate and the costs included with having this kind of interminable esteemed as business could other than be income improvement deductable. Whenever buying a prior building it gives increasingly opportunity to change over the vast to the worry requests which can incorporate developing onto the bing assets, or reconfiguring the effects for a superior concern stream outcome or even remotion of specific pieces of the possessions. The income improvement factor would other than incorporate any sort of advancements that are made to a business existent bequest contributing could be deducted for up to 39 mature ages. A devaluation of a building could be taken into history for 39 mature ages each piece great which is another bit of leeway. On the off chance that the building is bought for $ 251,000 and express the land it remains on is esteemed at $ 61,000 so the organization could make off a spot not exactly $ 5,500 yearly. The one-year association can other than be deducted on the buy credit, any kind of assets income improvements and additional disbursals that measure up under income upgrade codifications. When obtaining cash for a business contributing from any loaner the per centum could be between 60 % - 80 % or significantly higher given the expansion for being clinical clients which could be up to 90 % for a procurement cost or undertaking cost which can require a sort of contributing of the left over hard money and specify that the distinction in hard money be reinvested in the worry wherever between 10 % - 40 % . A bank loaner could require a higher up front installment yet in return incorporate a reasonable reception term would be haggled in the agreements. The preferred position to buying a business building is that a bank loaner sees proprietor involved sort worries in a clinical limit all the more well and would permit the appeal for crediting. In buying a business structure there would be no lease facilities and the home loan would be a set aggregate every month so that there is an away from of any expenses in the great beyond. The fixed/variable cost factor is costs that would be set especially if the fixed-rate kind of advance was given for the things. As a marketing point to having business assets if the estimation of the possessions has expanded that is another bit of leeway for doing expanded total compensation. The grip factor is viewed as a second worry for delineation it could be viewed as existent bequest speculation by the organization. On the off chance that there is extra new limitless the assurance could be made to rent out pieces of the building to outside opportunities to make additional salary from the lease of those gatherings. .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5 , .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5 .postImageUrl , .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5 , .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5:hover , .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5:visited , .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5:active { border:0!important; } .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5:active , .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u28cf9fec34d84c33955e35c0997de5e5 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: rel
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Trending Essay Topics
Trending Essay TopicsTrending essay topics are the next generation of essay topics. Trending essay topics are a subset of trend category topics, where essay writers focus on one or more related issues. There are three broad trends for essay topics in the trend category.The first trend is to write a work that will emerge as a new trend, generating little or no resistance. This trend was first introduced by the social sciences, where a trend has to deal with a change that either does not get much press, or where the reporters do not cover the topic properly. Trend articles tend to be about a technological advance, popular culture change, or even an opinion on something controversial. The trend is used to promote a concept, and trend articles are published in a variety of online publications.The second trend is to use current events to make a strong point. Most of the time, the writers use this style of essay to discuss current events. You cannot expect the readers to know what the writ er means by their article and therefore do not need to provide some sort of explanation. The writer can just present a clear idea without making reference to the reader. Trends are written with different but related ideas, the topics revolving around current events and current affairs.The third trend is to use irony to make a point. One way in which this can be done is to emphasize the absurdity of an issue. The first person usually puts in humor, using absurd terms, idioms, and metaphors. For example, a trend might read 'It's always darkest just before the dawn.' The author would then be saying that life is absurd, and that we have to appreciate the absurd.Trending essay topics are very popular, and are becoming the new standard for writing topics in English composition. They tend to be short, due to the popularity of these essay topics. Also, since these essay topics are not newsworthy, they tend to be written quickly, as an overview of a certain topic is required. Therefore, essa y writers have more time to prepare for the theme of their essay. This is also another reason why essay topics are becoming popular: not only is the content very easily accessible, it can also be prepared fast.Trending essay topics were most notably popularized by the Internet. Because of the Web, the Internet is now the single largest source of Internet news, and Internet users are always looking for new and interesting topics. Internet users want topics that will draw a large audience. Trending topics can either be long-standing topics that have become popular in recent years, or newer topics that are experiencing a significant spike in popularity. These new trends will remain popular for several years, providing writers with the opportunity to make money from these topics.Because of the Internet, trend topics can be found at any time of the day and are not necessarily newsworthy. The Internet is the fastest-growing media outlet of the entire world, and it is the greatest publishe r of ideas. With its website, articles, and millions of visitors every day, this is a powerful tool.Trending essay topics are great for writers and the essay topic industry. If you are a trend-writer and want to do it right, you need to follow these guidelines and adapt these trends.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Understanding Xylophobia or the Fear of Wooded Areas
Understanding Xylophobia or the Fear of Wooded Areas Phobias Types Print Understanding Xylophobia or the Fear of Wooded Areas By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Updated on February 17, 2020 Michael Ohms / EyeEm/Getty Images More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Xylophobia, also known as hylophobia, is the irrational fear of wooded areas. Some people find that their fear is worse at night, while others are equally afraid at all times of the day. Xylophobia is sometimes connected to other phobias, such as animal fears, but may also occur alone. Rational Fears Some people are not afraid of the woods, but of entering them due to real or perceived dangers. For example, people with certain medical conditions may worry that they will be unable to contact a rescuer if they become ill or injured when hiking alone. Those who feel vulnerable, such as some women and children, may worry about being attacked by a human. Those who live in areas known for attacks by bears or other animals may be concerned about coming into contact with a dangerous animal. By definition, a phobia is an irrational fear. If your fear is grounded in realistic concerns, it is not a phobia. Animal Phobias Although it is normal to be concerned about animal attacks in some areas, those with animal phobias typically have an elevated level of fear that is disproportionate to the situation. In addition, some people fear woodland creatures that pose little danger to humans, such as snakes or spiders. Animal phobias often heighten the fear of the woods and, in some cases, are actually the reason for the xylophobia. Fear of the Dark Some cases of xylophobia are rooted in a fear of the dark. Heavily wooded areas are relatively dark all day long, with tall trees casting shadows on paths and clearings. Like animal phobias, the fear of the dark may worsen an existing fear of the woods or even be the primary cause of that fear. Fear of the Unknown For some people, a fear of the woods is based on a fear of the unknown. Modern society provides few opportunities to get back to nature, so people who have always lived in urban areas may not be well acclimated to being in large wooded areas. Unusual sights, sounds, smells, and textures tend to throw us off balance, making us feel wary. Wooded areas may be loud with animal noises or eerily silent. Wild plants often look far different than houseplants. Even walking through grass, mud or dirt feels far different than walking on a paved road or sidewalk. Those with a fear of the unknown may be at increased risk for developing anxiety when exploring the woods. How to Cope Fortunately, it is not necessary to identify the underlying issues in order to battle a fear of the woods. For a relatively mild fear, knowledge and exposure may be enough to combat the anxiety. Research the area in which you will hike or camp well in advance.Learn to recognize common plants and animals, plot out a route, and carry a good map. There are also many reliable GPS units for hiking that are available for under $100.Make an emergency plan and always let someone know where you are going and when you will return.Consider seeking professional help with a more severe phobia. Like all phobias, xylophobia responds well to a variety of treatment methods. Untreated, however, the fear may worsen over time, and even lead to additional phobias.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
homeess in america Essay - 1444 Words
Homeless in America Homeless in America When we are little we never see ourselves being homeless, we only have dreams of having a good life that has family, love, lots of money, nice cars, and big houses; we never think maybe we might end up homeless with nothing but the clothes on your back. Being American and in â€Å"the land of opportunity†we see and hear of endless possibilities, but everyone does not get to enjoy the possibilities because the possibilities are not really endless. Homelessness in America is a persistent, complex, and widely-occurring problem that incorporates many economic, social, and psychological dimensions. After years of war and economic decline, the ranks of the homelessness have grown to include†¦show more content†¦Some homeless steal food to feed themselves or their families it’s like you can go so many days without food or to let your family go without food before you have that thought of just stealing to provide. Some homeless panhandle and beg for money which is sta rting to be against the law due to panhandlers starting to be violent, they use to be happy with what you gave them or really mad that you did not give anything. Also there are laws that are considered to be criminalizing to the homeless by restricting the sitting and sleeping areas allowed, prohibits begging, and permits them from sleeping under bridges. Policies with dealing with the homeless is that even though they are of a lower class then most being treated with respect and them still having rights even though they do not pay taxes as human beings. Policies of no soliciting signs are in front of stores to keep the homeless from scaring off customers. More policies are still being processed about what is right and wrong about being homeless after places to sleep and sit and other things. Being homeless in America there programs that are out to help the best they can to get them off the street and to make sure they have a place to sleep at night. In communities some churches try to help with paying rent if you lost your job, then
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
How Education Can Be Taught Through The Education System
Education can present itself in everyday life experiences, for instance, what a child learns from parents or siblings growing up, or the decisions made as a grown up. As humans, our knowledge does not entirely come from what we learn in school, because there is only so much that we can be taught through the education system. Learning has to do with expanding our minds and stepping out of our bubbles because sometimes what we learn in the streets better prepares us to adapt to our everyday lives. Growing up, school was not particularly my favorite. All through middle school and high school, my teachers lacked passion and motivation when it came to teaching. In order to educate, the teacher must be able to connect with the student, yet my†¦show more content†¦In the book, he also talks about how to have people cooperate with officers/officials. He goes into examples of students he taught that had no interest in his method of teaching. The students had gone as far as making threats to previous teachers, which led him to try a new method of teaching them. He got to know their interests, skills, and hobbies. One particular student was interested in mechanics, so he had him stand up in front of the class and teach his classmates what he knew. The following day he did the same with another student. This form of teaching allowed him to establish a teacher-student relationship and allowed him to connect with his students. Subsequently, he was able to incorporate his teaching s to the class. Mr. Thompson’s method of teaching is one that should be applied to schools whenever possible. When people think of education, some may associate it with school, but not all education is taught at school. In a TEDx Talk video by Claire Leppord, a student at the University of Oregon, she speaks about her own opinion and personal experience not attending school growing up. As a child, her parents did not want to force education upon her, resulting in her not attending school. Despite the fact, she still learned to read, write, and do math. She learned about the human anatomy simply by drawing the human organsShow MoreRelatedProject Classroom Makeover By Cathy Davidson Essay1396 Words  | 6 PagesEducation is a very powerful tool in the twenty-first century; the power of knowledge allows an individual to advance his social and economic status. â€Å"Project Classroom Makeover†by Cathy Davidson demonstrates the necessity of a customized education system in modern America while explaining why traditional learning is slowly reversing true American values. Since the late 1800s, the United States of America has developed a reputation of â€Å"rags to riches†because of the success stories of John D. RockefellerRead MoreThe Myth of Equal Education Essay1727 Words  | 7 Pageslife, but is very evident specifically in the American education system. 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The Nazis knew that education was a key to their success and used their power to control the education system; everything was taught under strict Nazi curriculum. Nazis succeeded greatly in their education system because if they failed, then less people would have followed them and more would have been able to rebel against their events of the Holocaust. Background  · â€Å" In the 1930s the Nazis created a party-controlled education system. Everything was controlled from the types
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Decoding the PMP® Exam Free Essays
PM Introduction Since the early asses, project managers have prepared for the Project Management Professional (PMP@) Exam through intense study of the Project Management Institute’s (PMI@) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (MAMBO@ Guide). Throw in a few ancillary primers and then take practice exam after practice exam and you’ve got a good chance of passing. What this approach lacks is an intuitive understanding of what it takes to put the MAMBO@ Guide into practice. We will write a custom essay sample on Decoding the PMP? ® Exam or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many fresh-faced Amps can experience inefficiencies and extra challenges early on, until they overcome this handicap with on-the-Job experience. Depending on the scope and objectives of your project, this could have business-wide ramifications. Why learn from your mistakes when you can prevent them? The Task-Skill Method†* of PM Exam preparation offers a new approach that is more effective and offers more benefits than Just getting you ready to pass the exam. The Task-Skill Method prepares candidates through intensive review of the expected roles and responsibilities of a Certified Project Management Professional as identified in Mi’s PM Role Delineations Study (REDS), also known as the PM Exam Blueprint. Armed with a fundamental understanding of on-the-Job requirements, you will better understand PM Exam questions and achieve higher overall scores. What’s more, you’ll be ready to immediately have an impact on your projects. The Task-Skill Method Revealed The Task-Skill Method is the result of more than a decade of lessons learned and process improvement. The breakthrough change lies in the foundational approach. While traditional PM Exam prep techniques prepare you to pass by essentially caching to the exam,’ the new Task-Skill Method prepares you by teaching to the role of a PM The . ‘ Task-Skill Method still incorporates significant MAMBO Guide study, exam-taking skills and practice exams. However, they are used as reference standards and study or practice aids, rather than foundational requisites. While most traditional approaches are built around the framework of Knowledge Areas, Process Groups and Process Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Outputs, the new Task-Skill Method is built around the framework of the 37 individual Tasks and 65 individual PM Knowledge/Skill Sets of the PM Exam Blueprint. These are well defined and generally form the roles and responsibilities of a PM After . Taking into consideration overlap and redundancy, the Task-Skill Method boils down to 28 individual Tasks and 28 individual Knowledge/Skill Sets. What’s more, these Tasks and Knowledge/Skill Sets serve as the foundation for all questions on the PM Exam, virtually eliminating any surprises. The 2012 PM pulse of the Profession study found that organizations with more than 35% PM certified project managers had better project performance. Keeping It Simple The Task-Skill Method reduces the amount of information you need to consume, sousing your objectives on what matters most and speeding up prep time. With traditional approaches, you can study up to 100 hours or more, but with the new Task-Skill Method, preparation time can be decreased by at least 25%. In a facilitated classroom environment, preparation time can require as little as 35-40 hours. Forty percent of your preparation time should be focused on the 28 PM Tasks and another 40% on the 28 PM Knowledge/Skill Sets. All should be clearly identified, understood, studied and sufficiently mastered. You should focus on understanding when and where each Task is typically performed across the project lifestyle and here each Skill Set is most essential. The remaining 20% of your time should be devoted to PM practice exams. This will hone your test-taking skills and serve as an additional learning resource. For example, in a 60-hour, self-paced, self-study plan, 12 hours would be devoted to Practice Exams, 24 hours to PM Tasks and 24 hours to PM Knowledge/Skill Sets. A Quick Look at the Exam The PM Certification Exam is a demonstration of your suitability to function as a Certified Project Management Professional. The exam includes 200 questions, many of them situational. Your score reflects your ability to: correctly identify recognized best practices; 2 use proper terminology; and 3 use logical reasoning to apply appropriate tools and techniques in given situations. PM Practice Exams 28 PM Tasks Knowledge/ Skill sets To ensure you are truly deserving of the PM Credential, many questions are deliberately made extra challenging. If you pass, you are awarded the PM Credential. If not, you can retake the exam up to three times in a one-year period. The Tasks and Skill Sets identified in the Task-Skill Method serve as the foundation for all questions on the PM Exam. Must-Know PM Tasks As a PM you may be expected to perform en or all of these 28 identified PM Tasks at various times during your project management career. The PM Exam will thoroughly test your understanding of each one by requiring you to demonstrate adequate knowledge of recognized best practices with respect to each Task. The PM Exam Blueprint identifies 37 individual PM Tasks. With many Tasks, there is overlap and some redundancy. For organization, efficiency and practical study purposes, the new Task-Skill Method effectively consolidates the 37 Blueprint Tasks to 28. Following is a detailed list of each must-know PM Task and the corresponding study aids. Evaluate Project Feasibility It is essential to establish a high-level understanding of the project early on. Is the project high risk, low risk, straightforward, complex? What constraints and assumptions are in consideration? How will you structure the project life cycle? What strategies will work? Study: MAMBO@ Guide sections 3. 3 and 4. 1 Perform a Stakeholder Analysis Managing stakeholder expectations is considered the top priority each and every day by many Amps. Study: MAMBO@ Guide section 10. 1 3 Develop a Project Charter A Project Charter is the formal document intended to authorize a project (or project phase). It briefly describes high-level project characteristics and identifies/authorizes the project manager. Study: MAMBO@ Guide section 3. 3 and 4. 1 4 Define Project Deliverables It is essential to get a firm understanding of the project scope-?what the project is and what it isn’t-?early in project planning. Study: MAMBO@ Guide sections 5. 1 and 5. 2 5 Create a Work Breakdown Structure Once scope has been determined and agreed upon among key stakeholders, it should be broken down into manageable pieces. How to cite Decoding the PMP? ® Exam, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
International Conference on Formal Techniques †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the International Conference on Formal Techniques. Answer: Introduction The given report is all about various threats of ransomware attack on the organizations revenue cycle. The firm chosen for the report is Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. The report also focuses on the various dangerous effects and possible way that must be chosen to overcome the problem (Andronio, Zanero Maggi, 2015). It also emphasizes on the different possible ways that must be used for checking the organizations revenue cycle and it also recommends the various techniques that must be chosen to overcome the problem. The given organization that is Motherboard and More Pty Ltd is considered as a medium size firm which is located in Australia. This firm mainly emphasizes on the manufacturing of computer microchip, graphic card and motherboard. Apart from this the firm also manufacture various computer system and also repair system which is based in Australia (Everett, 2016). This organization has various business firm in Australia for more than eight years and has integrated framework for ERP system. In the central building of this building the managerial place of work is located which mainly manages the manufacturing and import and export division which are situated on the verge of the town that is considered to very easily approachable with in few minutes of time. Overview of revenue cycle This particular organization mainly takes order form different firms by using different methods like Email, Telephone and the order can be easily put on the portal of this particular company (Faruki et al., 2012). Various order received can be easily delivered to the dock which is considered to be best for managing both the imported and exported goods via different order of shipment. Increase sale ultimately created a bad impact which resulted in delay in import and export of goods and wrong shipment of products. This particular part of the report mainly focuses on the different methods that may be adopted easily for monitoring weakness and the effect of it on the revenue cycle of Motherboard and More Pty Ltd. Apart from this it also checks the possible solution for the weakness of this organization. Department of organization of this organization Accounting is addressing some issue due to many weaknesses that are present in the internal part of the organization (Kharraz et al., 2015). The first issue that is firm is addressing is that it allows the various consumers to buy products on credit which has ultimately reduced the growth of profit of this organization. The second problem that is issued is that usage of dock for both incoming and outgoing products using dock. First weakness that this firm is addressing is that is allow the consumer to buy and sell goods on credit, this ultimately brings us to the point that firm is giving the product to consumers for 30 days free trial. Due to this the sales operation of this organization was hampered in the operation of product which is given or provided to customer at the time of delivery (Mercaldo et al.,2016). The next weakness that is addressed is using dock for delivery of various products and operation which are mainly related for addressing of goods in a right way to promote easy delivery of products. Various organization all around globe mainly requires a proper data for maintaining of various goods that are imported and exported. This part of the given report mainly focuses on the different ways of control that can be easily applied to various business for tracking the various risk that is involved (O'Gorman McDonald, 2012). The organization should reduce the value of credit as it directly affects the organization. Different consumer with good credit score are not given credit for balancing its rank in market. Control of internal weakness Effect Possible Solution to tackle the problem Buying different goods on credit Sales operation was disturbed badly Checking of credit scores of customers Using the same dock different products are shipped. Unable to maintain the count of different products. Delivery of goods can be easily tracked by using a proper software. Non-presence of a database Different goods cannot be tracked easily Proper database needs to be implemented. High discount is given while returning of products. Customers always choose this method which has led to reduce the amount of profit. Alternative solution is needed. Overview of ransomware attack Ransomware attack is the biggest cyber-attack which impacted almost every system of globe. This attack mainly involves the encryption of different important files containing data and information which ultimately prevents its access (Pathak Nanded, 2016). The impacted computers mainly displayed a message containing information which contains a note displaying the demand of money of 300 dollars to the hackers. Ransomware can be considered to be the biggest attack which impacted more than 99 countries round the globe. This particular firm needs to maintain a track on the security by making use of various software of antivirus in various system. Software of antivirus are mainly considered to be helpful in detecting the existence of any virus in the different system. Backup of data is considered to be very useful for given system as it promotes in building a secure system to tackle any disaster (Song, Kim Lee, 2016). As the many systems have faults in it, it become the key point for the hackers to implement attacks like ransomware. Patches are considered to be very useful for eliminating various attacks. Conclusion From the given that is done in the report it can be concluded that various organization must maintain a track on the advice that is provided in the instruction part of this report. The following advice will help various organization round the globe in taking some proper ways that is proved to be beneficial to this organization. Proper checking on ransomware attack is done with its principle of working, measure to control has been discussed. Certain measure must be taken to control the attack of ransomware are like back of vital data containing information, choosing certain security methods, application of various patches of security has been stated in briefly in the report. References Andronio, N., Zanero, S., Maggi, F. (2015, November). Heldroid: Dissecting and detecting mobile ransomware. InInternational Workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Accounting (pp. 382-404). Springer International Publishing. Everett, C. (2016). Ransomware: to pay or not to pay?Computer Fraud Security,2016(4), 8-12. Faruki, P., Laxmi, V., Gaur, M. S., Vinod, P. (2012, October). Mining control flow graph as API call-grams to detect portable executable malware. InProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Security of Information and Networks(pp. 130-137). ACM. Kharraz, A., Robertson, W., Balzarotti, D., Bilge, L., Kirda, E. (2015, July). Cutting the gordian knot: A look under the hood of ransomware attacks. InInternational Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment(pp. 3-24). Springer, Cham. Mercaldo, F., Nardone, V., Santone, A., Visaggio, C. A. (2016, June). Ransomware steals your phone. formal methods rescue it. InInternational Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems(pp. 212-221). Springer, Cham. O'Gorman, G., McDonald, G. (2012).Ransomware: A growing menace. Symantec Corporation. Pathak, D. P., Nanded, Y. M. (2016). A dangerous trend of cybercrime: ransomware growing challenge.International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering Technology (IJARCET) Volume,5. Song, S., Kim, B., Lee, S. (2016). The effective ransomware prevention technique using process monitoring on android platform.Mobile Information Systems,2016.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Distance education programs an Example by
Distance education programs Introduction The topic of distance learning programs, of those existing in tribal colleges and the concept of introducing DL into other tribally controlled establishments, is the following compilation of information, questing for the answer if distance learning programs have a benefit to those within the tribal and reservation communities. Several subtopics will be discussed throughout the course of the document, covering the topics of tribal colleges and some history in relation to the formation of this academic institution (through examination of two college programs), highlights of distance learning programs and their contents, brief details regarding current reservation life, and the learning styles, based on traditional upbringing and values, of Native American students, along with profound percentages of drop-out rates, proceeding to a conclusion. Need essay sample on "Distance education programs" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Tribal Colleges Two tribal colleges, of the 24 tribally controlled institutions (2002), Oglala Lakota College and Northwest Indian College, stand out for examination of history, degree offerings, and availability of distance learning programs. Oglala Lakota College The first tribally controlled college in the United States, OLC is located in Kyle, South Dakota; this is the main center, otherwise known as Plya Wiconi (OLC website). Since its beginnings, several other sites have been set up throughout the state to facilitate educating tribal communities, of the Lakota nation in particular. This academic institution is located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, considered the poorest reservation, by economic standards. Sanctioned and governed by the tribe, the college seeks to meet the needs of the reservation residents in pursuit of higher education. A 13 member Board of Trustees, comprised of nine reservation district representatives, two tribal council members, one OST president or someone of designation, and one student representative, oversee decisions, new ideas, projects plans, etc.. Chartered in 1971 as the Lakota Education Center, OLC started as a non-accredited learning center for tribal residents, working in correlation with Black Hills State College, University of South Dakota, and South Dakota State University with various degree programs. Although considered a complicated educational system, it was functional for students attending those beginning years (OLC website). The first associate degrees were awarded in 1974, and in 1978, the colleges name changed to Oglala Sioux Community College. Degree offerings at the time were: BA Elementary Education, AA Education, General Studies, and Lakota Studies, along with AS Human Services and Nursing. The 1980s saw many changes for OLC, starting with eligibility for accreditation in 1983, along with another name change which reflected the status from a community college to a four year academic institution, along with using proper terms, according to linguistics and cultural awareness. Oglala Lakota College became the name for the college; there is no word in the communitys language for the word Sioux, therefore the word Lakota, meaning the people, came into use (OLC website). 1987, into the decade of the 90s, specifically 1992 and 1994, saw expansions with existing programs and degree availability. The following degrees became available to students: BA Lakota Studies, BS Human Services and Applied Sciences, and MA Tribal Leadership. Currently, in regards to distance learning programs, the Information Technology department for OLC uses distance learning/online program tools; otherwise, the idea of creating and utilizing a fully functional and profitable-both for the college and the student body-distance learning program is under examination for consideration of expansion of the colleges available programs. OLC board members believe in the philosophy of on-line courses, because of the concept of self-paced study, can present an opportunity to fit academia into regular life (OLC website). Northwest Indian College Founded in 1973 on the Lummi Indian Reservation in Washington State, NWIC began as the Lummi Indian School of Aquaculture; to this day, this academic establishment stands as the only accredited tribal college covering the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho (NWIC website). Since the beginning, the philosophy of NWIC has been to provide post-secondary education within the reservation community and that self-awareness serves as the foundation for achieving confidence, esteem, a true sense of pride, focuses on building a career, creating a self-sufficient lifestyle, and promoting life-long learning through the study of culture, values, and history of the people of the tribal community (NWIC website). The Lummi Indian Business Council recognized the educational needs of the community in 1983, and therefore chartered the school as the Lummi Community College. Five years later, the college was approved for accreditation by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges but was not granted full accreditation until 1993. 1989 saw the name change once again, and the academic establishment became known as the Northwest Indian College, becoming recognized as a four year academic establishment (NWIC website). The degrees and certificates available through the college are: AA Native American Studies, Oksale Native Education, and General Direct Transfer Degree; AS Life Sciences; AT Chemical Dependency Studies, Computer Maintenance and Networking, and Individualized Program. Certificate programs are: Native American Studies, Computer Repair Technician, and Individualized Program. Northwest Indian College currently has a fully functional distance learning program, which covers three different availabilities for learning away from the campus environment. Live interactive video, which utilizes K-20 Network (specifically in regards to the tri-state coverage), and connects the following tribal communities, to learning through the network: Makah, Swinomish, Tulalip, and Chief Leschi. On-line learning uses WebCT (other tribal colleges are turning towards this outlet for learning or experimenting with its availability and usage), which offers web-based courses; this can be entirely online study or implemented as a supplemental content to a standard classroom course. Students with a computer, web browser, and connection to the internet are eligible for this program outlet. Independent learning, taking another direction, is an individual, self-paced study directed by an instructor through the use of written materials or weekly teleconferences or videotapes. Communicati on between instructor and student occurs through phone, fax, or email (NWIC website). Distance Learning Programs As early as 2002, growth in on-line distance programs has been noticed. At the time, over half a million students were enrolled for the 2001-2002 academic year. Turning that into tuition dollars, the investment for on-line enrollment stood at $2.4 billion (Gallagher, 2003). A 40% annual growth was predicted to follow in the 2003-2004 academic year, which signified a 5% increase in distance learning programs. Distance learning seems to be fueled by the development and technical advances of web-based technology (Gruedemann, 2007). The consistency of serving local communities, and reaching out to long distance learners as well (considered the newest wave in marketing techniques to continue earning profits for colleges offering distance learning programs), making the programs accessible and flexible to adult students, based on quality and cost, while addressing various program requirements, is the basis of distance learning programs, encompassing various methods of accomplishing academic goals (Gallagher, 2003). Although some faculty members and students struggle to learn and teach within the guidelines of altered roles, and there is evidence of lack of face to face interaction, the benefits of distance learning programs are found through the ease of determined time for studying and meeting assignment deadlines for turning in finished materials, active learning is involved in motivating the student to take part in acquiring knowledge, preparation for real-life work is more tangible, critical thinking skills improve with independent study, and a satisfaction with the learning style can be noted among some students (Gruendemann, 2007). Reservation life-current conditions Although, since the first contact and over the course of history, European Americans have often distorted the reality of Native American communities through romanticizism, stereotyping, and appropriating spirituality, the opposite is to be found within the tribal community (Waller, Okamoto, Hankerson, Hibbeler, Hibbeler, McIntyre, and McAllen-Walker, 2002). There are currently 202 tribes, with 1.5 million residing on reservation land. Native Americans living on reservations still continue to experience high rates of unemployment and low life expectancy among the highest anywhere in the country. Reservations such as the Cheyenne Indian River Reservation, located in South Dakota, lacks water systems, making sanitary conditions nearly impossible, and the tribal members who are employed, survive on less than one-third of the American average income (Gundrum, 2007). The best known example of poor living conditions and the nations most economically devastated community is the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, also located in South Dakota. This reservation has been the focal point of many events in history; the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890 which US cavalry men massacred 300 men, women, and children, the AIM (American Indian Movement) headquarters of the 1970s, several stand offs between traditionalists and the federal government, resulting in hi storical events such as the Leonard Peltier case of 1977 (Gundrum, 2007). Native American students and learning styles In 1979, the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs), funded 14, 600 undergraduate students and 700 graduate students; of those numbers, 1,639 received undergraduate degrees and 434 graduate degrees (Waller, Okamoto, Hankerson, Hibbeler, Hibbeler, McIntyre, and McAllen-Walker, 2002). As of 2002, 24 tribally controlled colleges were serving 10,000 students. Even with the increase in numbers for student enrollment with tribal colleges, there are significantly low percentages of students moving from the high school environment to college academics. Native American students have a high school drop-out rate of over 50%, and are considered the American minority to least likely to enroll and eventually graduate from college (Waller, Okamoto, Hankerson, Hibbeler, Hibbeler, McIntyre, and McAllen-Walker, 2002). Why are these figures so high? The question arises if distance learning program availability could possibly turn this percentage around and lower it instead of allowing it to remain consistent o r worse case, rise in the near future. The educational traditions of Indigenous peoples For educating children and adolescents in the native communities, each nation has, according to traditions and beliefs, its own teachings and methods. Oral history and teaching stories, the most noted methodology of teaching for native children, has long been regarded within tribal communities to be a valuable asset of learing; this is followed by ceremonies, such as puberty rites (typically for girls moving into womanhood) and sweat lodge purification (mostly young boys moving into manhood, by way of vision quests or hunting). Apprenticeships, long used before European contact, typically with respected members of the tribal community or with relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc are still found to be in use, along with learning games, which in times gone by, prepared children for adult roles as providers, protectors and nurturing figures within their tribal communities. The most overlooked educational tool of native children, and considering all children everywhere in t he world, is the classic observation of adults, otherwise known as the see, then do method (Waller, Okamoto, Hankerson, Hibbeler, Hibbeler, McIntyre, and McAllen-Walker, 2002). In tribal societies, from pre-European contact to the present, a member of the people is judged by ones contribution to the group as a whole, rather than the Euro-centric philosophy of individualized achievements. Tribal members are considered an essential part of his or her community; therefore achievements are accomplished for the benefit of the entire community. More appropriate teaching and learning strategies may be found through role modeling and cooperative learning styles (Waller, Okamoto, Hankerson, Hibbeler, Hibbeler, McIntyre, and McAllen-Walker, 2002). To compete to win over someone else in the community, without regard for respect for one another, is considered disrespectful and dishonorable. To disregard the entire community for the needs or desires of the individual is to forget being part of the web of life. The concept of time may be a difficult part of the distance learning program baseline for tribal colleges, as within the tribal community, activities or actions are carried through until complete; there is no concept of deadlines (Waller, Okamoto, Hankerson, Hibbeler, Hibbeler, McIntyre, and McAllen-Walker, 2002). Rigid schedules of certain distance learning programs could possible cause conflict with traditional teachings within the tribal communities, although schedules are consistent with the concept of obtaining and maintaining Satisfactory Progress within the distance learning program structure (OLC website). Conclusion In conclusion, distance learning programs can be an asset to the tribal communities of which the tribal colleges are reaching out to serve. Tribally controlled colleges have been serving their communities since the establishment of such academic institutions, and to move into distance learning programs can only profit students of the tribal community. Native American students, taught within the traditional structure of their individual nations, can adapt to the distance learning structure of flexibility, active learning-facilitating more of a hands-on approach to learning, which in turn improves the concept of critical thinking. Working with the time factor may create more ease with following through with a study, which in turn results in satisfaction with the learning style being presented, and in turn, creating a more realistic approach to preparing for the goal of the student: to apply what is learned to real life and to see the rewards of the journey made to real-life work and th e ultimate benefits for the betterment of the tribal community. The concept of more distance program availability within the tribal college structure can also possibly give back to the community in the way of bringing the percentage of high-school drop outs down, creating a motivation to keep those figures down and for Native American students to excel in the academic world to achieve goals that, even though may appear to be based on individual satisfaction and achievement, the results can be taken back into the tribal communities to benefit the nation as a whole. Distance learning programs are also reaching out to adult learners in the tribal communities, as more and more adults are returning to achieve or finish educational goals. Adults within the community still carry influence as to what children and adolescents will choose to do with their own lives, continuing to foster the see, then do methodology of learning. If adults within the tribal community can achieve success within the academic structure, then the influence upon the youth of the community can be a positive one. Also, as more and more colleges are experiencing lower enrollments for the more traditional programs, be they tribal colleges or academic institutions not in correlation with the reservation communities, a method of keeping enrollment figures consistent is being examined, experimented with, trialed through success and failure, and seeing results in obtaining and maintaining student numbers. Not all students have the ability to attend more traditional programs, either as full-time, on campus students, or even as part-time, extended over a loner period of time. More and more students are noted as individuals with families, full time employment, life changes that have facilitated seeking out continuing education, and wanting to improve the quality of their own lives, along with the lives of their families and communities. Education is moving away from the classroom environment to a more realistic approach to being able to apply acquired knowledge to real life and to be able to implement that very knowledge to every day life. Works Cited Gallagher, S. 2003. Maximum profit and ROI in distance ed: Planning to refine or launch your online learning programs? University Press, May 2003. Gruendemann, B. 2007. Distance learning and perioperative nursing. AORN Journal. March 2007. Gundrum, Gretchen. 2007. Indian reservations: Land for the Indian? MLA formatted research paper. April 2007. Wallner, M.; Okamoto, S.; Hankerson, A.; Hibbeler, T.; Hibbeler, P.; McIntyre, P.; and McAllen-Walker, R. The hoop of learning: A holistic, multi-systemic model for facilitating educational resilience among indigenous students. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. March 2002. Northwest Indian College Oglala Lakota College
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Shawshank Redemption Essay
Shawshank Redemption Essay Shawshank Redemption is a film, directed by Frank Darabont adapting it for screen, based on Stephen king novella Rita Hayworth and the shawshank redemption. This film takes the audience on a journey of despair and hope of individuals in Shawshank. Constant Routine, forced Conformity, power abuse and the struggle of hope The use of Film language (lighting, camera angles, music and different shots etc are accounted for in Shawshank prison presents to us in its opening shots of Dufresne as he arrives to begin his Double life sentences in a gray, lifeless area nothing but concrete blocks and bars. Every prison scen is framed by bars and dark, grays or blues as backdrop as this effect indicates the cruel nature of life and the control of shawshank within the lives of every individuals. The majority of scenes have no background music as the impact of silence represents the purpose in the lack of life. It is the Warden’s office where Andy locks himself in and plays Italian Opera over the P.A System. This is the only time in Which Music dominates a scene. This proves to us that Andy is different and shows that there is still hope and freedom within him. The one scene that made Andy and his CO-workers fell like men again was the roof top scene. The wide angle, establishing shot of the surrounding showing the true beauty of nature in bloom. This effect gives the idea to viewers that Shawshank prison exists to restrain individuals from experiencing the OuterWorld, and the beauty of nature again, but live in a place of slavery. Through out the film there has been a main theme or symbol, which is another use of language. The symbol of Jesus Christ. Andy represents Jesus Christ as freedom and hope was a main factor. His out-stretched hands after tumbling out of human wastage pipe represents, Jesus Christ on the cross. The last judgement when the Warden learns his fate, â€Å"Salvation lay withn†Andy Dufresne writes set in the book of exodus. The use of Film Language has been a main factor in contributing to this film â€Å" The shawshank redemption†Proving a point in scenes of power, abuse and the struggle of hope in which Andy tries to prove his innocence. The important of hope.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Lease assingment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Lease assingment - Essay Example The first item that appears uncomfortable is leasing the bedroom apartment because I am not allowed to use any other part of the premise. Flexibility should be enhanced to all tenants by the proprietor in terms of using other sections of the premises (Jacobus 282). Another problem in the lease is that the contract runs for a year. As a tenant, I have no flexibility in terms of terminating the contract before the stipulated period. Moreover, the property manager, who is Joe Daworker, is responsible for handling issues concerning use of premises. A problem may arise making me want to talk directly to the owner of the premises. As a tenant, I feel that 1,455 US dollars is a lot of money to be paid to the proprietor within a single day because security deposit is to be paid during the signing of lease contract. The security deposit should be paid in installments because there is no guarantee that I will damage any part of the premises as a tenant. Another problem arises from possession o f the premises as outlined in lease contract. Since I will be entitled to possess the premises on the first day of signing the contract, I feel that the proprietor should also be responsible in ensuring the well-being of all tenants. This should involve carrying out maintenance and repairs of the one bedroom apartment during my stay in the premises. ... According to premise usage, the proprietor restricts any form of retail, professional and commercial activities within the apartment. In the event of carrying out any commercial activities, consent must be obtained from the proprietor by following. This item contrasts with possession rights because I should be allowed to carry out any legal activities within the apartment as a tenant. The proprietor requires tenants to get liability insurance before engaging in any professional or commercial activities. In the event of failing to abide by that item on the leasing agreement, the tenant is evicted from the premise with immediate effect because he or she is said to have breached the leasing contract. I find this item tedious and costly since the process of obtaining insurance liability is quite demanding and expensive (Jacobus 283). In terms of evicting the premise, I feel that every tenant should be given adequate time to find another apartment before being forced to vacate the premise s. The contract restricts any extra person apart from the tenant to stay in the apartment. I find this clause unrealistic because relatives and friends who may want to spend a couple of nights in the apartment. This item on the contract needs to be adjusted where tenants should be allowed to stay with their friends and relatives within the apartment. In spite of the contract allowing tenants to have guests for a limited time of fourteen consecutive days, the impression created to tenants is that their freedom is restricted. Privacy of tenants is compromised when the agreement restricts the sharing of bedrooms within the apartment. As mentioned earlier,
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
CONTRACT LAW COURSEWORK Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
CONTRACT LAW COURSEWORK - Case Study Example In the case in question simple contract applies as there was no formal legal document executed between the two parties; rather, this case belongs to the later, a simple contract as "Contracts which are not deeds are known as simple contracts. They are informal contracts and may be made in any way - in writing, orally or they may be implied from conduct" (Introduction to, n.d., n.p.). Another distinction in this particular case is that it can further be classified as a Unilateral Contract. This is demonstrated through "A's" booking of hotel accommodations from the Scarborough Hotel (Hotel) via there website with the understanding that the two-week stay booked by "A" would be at a price of 200 pounds a night. The first area of contention arises at this point as "A" was unable to complete the transaction online and instead printed a copy of the booking and posted it. This point will be thoroughly discussed in subsequent paragraphs. The first area need to be considered is that of validit y - ensuring all the requisite elements are present to ascertain if, in fact, there was a legally binding contract. The first test of validity lies in determining if there was an offer and acceptance. The first of this two-pronged question is to ascertain if there was an unconditional offer of acceptance. When "A" inquired from the Hotel as to room availability at 300 pounds per night, Hotel responded via e-mail that they would make a room available to "A" during the timeframe request at 200 pounds per night. The question here is an online e-mail, which is a valid form of communication with regard to contractual law. Although there has been no legal ruling as to the validity of email correspondence in contractual law: "In Standard Bank Ltd. v. Bank of Tokyo [1995] 2 Lloyds Rep 169, Waller J. had to consider whether three letters of credit issued by tested telex at the instigation of a fraudster who had somehow got access to the issuing bank's tested telex department, were binding upon the issuer." (Nash, 1998) The finding here was that the use of a telex even though electronic in nature did meet the test of validity for a valid offer. That being said it would stand that the electronic offer made by the Hotel was an unconditional offer. Therefore, the first point was valid an offer had been made. "The general rule under English law is that an offer is not accepted until acceptance is communicated to the offeror." (Baker & McKenzie, n.d., n.p.) However, in this case "A" was unable to unable to send on-line booking form. Instead he filled in all the details, including the 200 pound price per night, printed the document, and posted it. Baker and McKenzie however went to on to state that "The major exception to the above general rule on acceptance concerns acceptance by post. In this case, acceptance takes place when the acceptance is posted and not when it is received by the offeror. The "postal" rule means that, even if a postal acceptance does not reach the offeror, the contract will already have been made and the offeror will be bound to perform its obligations, provided the other party can prove that it posted its letter of acceptance." (n.p., n.d.) Yates v Dalton 1938 ELD 177; (1) Cape Explosive
Monday, January 27, 2020
Role of carbon credits and carbon footprints in the Middle East
Role of carbon credits and carbon footprints in the Middle East Introduction Many organizations across the world have improved efforts geared towards ensuring social responsibility and business ethics are followed when undertaking organizational activities. Consumers are now aware of the ethical and social responsibility which business organizations have towards society. Due to the effects of environmental destruction, consumers are inclined to associate themselves with firms which manufacture products while following environmental conservation criteria. Recently, adverse effects of environmental destruction such as climate change and global warming has increased demand for green products or firms which observe environmental regulations. In the Middle East and especially the UAE, there is a demand for products which conserve energy and which are reusable or can be recycled (Anderson et. al., 2006). This explains the increased demand in the UAE for products such as hybrid cars, green building materials, recyclable bags and others. Carbon footprints and credits are two common forms of measuring the impacts which organizations have on the environment. Carbon footprints are emissions of greenhouse gases which are attributed to a product or an organization (Wiedmann Minx, 2008). These gases are emitted due to consumption of fuel and fuel products, materials, manufactured goods and fuel sources such as coal and wood. Carbon credit on the other hand represents permits or certificates by business organizations allowing them to emit carbon dioxide or carbon equivalent to one tonne. It is a form of mitigating carbon emissions by international and national markets. Already, Qatar and the UAE implement the carbon credits as a form of reducing carbon emissions. This paper will discuss carbon footprints and emissions as far as the social responsibility and ethical role of business is concerned. The paper will also discuss how carbon footprints and credits work in order to understand their benefits. Their relevance to business planning for sustainability and environment in the Middle East will also be analyzed. The paper will restrict research to the UAE and other countries in the Middle East. The discussed issues will be summarized at the end of the paper. Carbon footprints Carbon footprints have been defined as emissions of greenhouse gases which are attributed to a product or an organization (Wiedmann Minx, 2008). Greenhouse gases arise from consumption of fuel and fuel products, materials, manufactured goods and fuel sources such as coal and wood. The term originated from ecological footprints in environmental studies. In order to measure the carbon footprints of organizations, an assessment on emissions known as the GHG is undertaken. This measurement determines the levels of carbon emitted by businesses in a region. Once this information is known, it is possible to develop a strategy aimed at mitigating carbon footprint levels (Wiedmann Minx, 2008). Such strategies include use of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar or implementation of strategies to conserve the environment such as planting trees. In the Middle East economies, there are certain factors which affect the levels of carbon footprints. These include economic output, population, carbon intensity and energy in the economy (Beaumont et. al., 2008). Businesses and regions which aim at reducing carbon footprints target these factors. Generally, in order to effectively reduce carbon footprints, countries and businesses should either strive to reduce reliance on carbon fuels or reduce energy levels used in production. Carbon credits Carbon credits have been defined as permits or certificates by business organizations allowing them to emit carbon dioxide or carbon equivalent to one tonne (Wiedmann Minx, 2008). It has been recognized that carbon emissions are some of the most harmful gases to the environment and carbon credits aim at mitigating their release into the atmosphere. Carbon trading is form of trading in emissions. In order to implement carbon credits, carbon levels in the atmosphere are measured and capped to determine the most sustainable levels which will lead to minimal damage to the environment. After this is performed, the capped levels are allocated to regulated sources in the various markets. The major objective of carbon credits is to encourage markets to emit less carbon emissions when undertaking commercial and industrial processes. Since the carbon credits are sold, the revenue generated can also be used to fund environmental conservation efforts, including carbon emission reduction indifferent parts of the world. There are many firms which have specialized in selling carbon credits. These credits are sold to businesses voluntarily and these businesses strive to reduce carbon emissions in their activities. Demand for carbon credits in the Middle East has begun to rise and there is an increase in firms selling carbon credits to businesses. This has seen positive impacts as far as reduction of carbon emissions is involved. Further analysis of the effects of carbon credits and carbon footprints in the Middle East will be discussed in the following section of the paper. Kyoto protocol and the Middle East The Kyoto protocol is an agreement amongst some countries which are members of the UN to take measures to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. The major goal of this framework is to stabilize greenhouse gases and reduce their effects on the environment. There are over 190 states which have ratified and signed the protocol including Middle East countries such as Yemen, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and others (Daya Carr, 2010). Various countries have undertaken to reduce these emissions by more than 5% as at the levels present in 1990. Middle East countries such as UEA, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are some of these countries. Several initiatives are taken to achieve the objectives of climate change by member countries and these include clean development mechanism and emissions trading. Each of the Middle East countries which ratified the Kyoto Protocol has some assigned units of carbon emissions which are entered in individual country registries (Daya Carr, 2010). In line with the protocol, these countries including Qatar and the UAE have assigned the allowed emissions to businesses and organizations and put quotas on the emissions which each business should release into the atmosphere. This is undertaken through the sale of carbon credits where businesses in these Middle East countries are allowed one tonne of carbon emission. Businesses which have not exhausted their quotas near the end of their financial year may sell their remaining quotas to those which are about to exhaust their limits in order to ensure that all businesses observe the allowable limit in emissions. Businesses which have exhausted their quotas are also allowed purchase extra quotas in open markets or private enterprises. Although there is an increased demand for energy from consumers, business organizations and countries such as Qatar and UAE which have ratified the Kyoto Protocol, have to ensure that the carbon emissions do not exceed the allowable limits. Business owners are therefore forced to invest in alternative energy sources in order to meet the demand for limiting emissions. Others prefer purchasing modern machinery which has lower emission rates. This will ensure that adverse effects of climate change are mitigated not only in the Middle East but across the world. Flexible mechanisms The challenges of maintaining the agreed carbon emissions by countries which have ratified the Kyoto Protocol have been recognized by member countries. There are certain countries or businesses which may be unable to retain the allowable limits and achieve their growth and development objectives and goals. There are also countries and businesses which use resources which have high level of carbon emissions and which make it difficult to remain within the allowable levels. For instance, Saudi Arabia is an oil producing country which releases high levels of carbon emissions when processing oil. Due to these challenges, the Kyoto Protocol members have introduced certain flexible mechanisms which may help these countries deal with the challenges. These are tradable credits which may be traded within countries or regions. There are three ways in which such countries may trade their carbon credits regionally (Daya Carr, 2010). The first is the joint implementation strategy where countries which are about to undertake projects which would lead to high level of carbon emissions are allowed to undertake these projects in other countries. Such an agreement allows countries with higher emission to transfer these emissions to countries with lower emission for a consideration. Both countries would mutually benefit and the global environmental conservation efforts are achieved. Few countries in the Middle East have taken advantage of this approach. The second strategy is the clean development mechanism. Under this strategy, developed countries are allowed to fund carbon emission reduction efforts in developing countries at lower costs. Countries such as Saudi Arabia may use this strategy to fund developing countries such as African countries in carbon reduction efforts. This would cost lower amounts compared to the cost of such a strategy in developed countries. However, the benefits of environmental conservation in such cases would not only be enjoyed by the developing countries but by the world at large. The developed countries would benefit from increased credits due to achievement of its emission reduction initiatives while developed countries would benefit from clean technology and capital investment. The UAE currently is developing plans to implement this strategy in developing countries. Finally, the third strategy aimed at meeting the challenges of carbon emission strategies is emission trading between countries. Just as how businesses can trade emission credits, countries are also able to trade these credits. Countries which are about to exhaust their allowable limits may trade credits with those with sufficient allocations and vice verse. In most of these cases, operators are licensed by individual countries to sell such carbon credits as opposed to direct government to government transactions Carbon footprints and credits in Middle East Due to the effects of environmental destruction including carbon emissions, climate change and global warming, consumers in the Middle East have began associating themselves with firms which manufacture products in environmentally friendly ways. There has been an increase in reusable products and energy saving products including hybrid vehicles (Daya Carr, 2010). This move has forced many manufacturers to adapt to the needs of the market in order to maximize sales revenues. Retailers who have not embraced environmentally friendly ways of producing goods have begun experiencing shrinking sales volumes and a decrease in consumer goodwill. Qatar There are many businesses in the Middle East and especially in Qatar and the UAE which have embraced the use of carbon credits to reduce their carbon footprints. One of these businesses is a renewable energy company called Masdar which is based in the UAE. Masdar has plans to acquire carbon credits for waste heat and solar projects from the UN in order to conform to the goals of the Kyoto Protocol of which the UAE is a member. Another firm which is keen on acquiring carbon credits is the Qatar Petroleum which is the national oil firm run by the Qatar government. The UAE and Qatar are the largest carbon emitters in the world per capita and their strive to join the Kyoto Protocol and apply for carbon credits makes them the first countries in the Middle East to take such initiatives. Qatar also has a project at Al-Shaheen, a natural gas manufacturing plant, and it is intending at applying for carbon credits for this plant. Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi has already been granted access to carbon credits by UN in the form of offsets which are initiatives which encourage developed countries to support carbon reduction initiatives in developing countries. This is similar to the clean development mechanism earlier discussed as one of the Kyoto Protocolà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s attempts to deal with challenges facing implementation of the carbon reduction efforts. Already, two projects commissioned in Abu Dhabi will receive 2.5 million credits between the current year and 2018. Currently, the credits which have been advanced to the UAE are valued at over 29 million euro. In addition, Abu Dhabi is in the process of constructing nuclear and solar plants which will meet power demands and by 2015, the Abu Dhabi is targeting its renewable energy sources to form over 7% of its overall energy source. Challenges of acquiring carbon credits in the Middle East Business people in the Middle East are acknowledging that a serious challenge facing many oil firms is justifying the need for carbon credits. Although most firms which manufacture oil and its products in the Middle East have high carbon footprint emissions, it is challenging to prove that oil projects require carbon credits and additional income earned from it. The UAE is among the countries making the greatest efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the Middle East and the development of carbon capture technology is a milestone towards attaining the goals of reducing emissions. Carbon capture technology is technology which captures carbon emissions and directs them underground before they are released into the atmosphere. Another challenge faced by firms in Middle East relating to acquiring carbon credit relates to cost. There is a high cost which is incurred upfront before a firm can register for carbon credits (Hansen, 2000). For small firms in the Middle East, this cost may be prohibited towards registering for carbon credits and reducing the carbon footprints. A solution to this problem lies with the bundling of many small projects to form a larger one. When many small firms bring together their projects and form a larger one, they may jointly incur the cost of carbon credits thereby reducing their overall costs. They will also be able to reduce their carbon emissions. Relevance to business planning for sustainability and environment in Middle East Carbon footprints and credits are very useful to the modern business environment not only in the Middle East but across the world. There is a move towards environmental conservation efforts and businesses which support this cause have been seen to attract goodwill form consumers. Those which do not have recorded lower sales revenues due to their inability to be in touch with causes which the market relates to. In the Middle East, it has been discussed that consumers are moving towards environmental conservation efforts by purchasing energy saving products, reusable products and supporting firms which produce goods in environmentally friendly means. It is therefore clear that for any business to meet its objectives, it has to operate within environmentally friendly ways. It also has to support causes which are similar to those supported by consumers including corporate social responsibility and ethical practices. The relevance which carbon footprints and carbon credit has on the Middl e East business environment regarding sustainability will be briefly discussed below; Consumer behavior It has been discussed that due to the adverse effects of environmental destruction, consumers are aware of the need to carry out environmental conservation. The effects of destruction of the environment including global warming, climate change, shrinking of ice caps and others have become a reality which threatens the survival of mankind (Changnon Bell, 2000). Most consumers have therefore embraced environmental conservation concerns and demand products which are produced through environmentally friendly ways. In the Middle East, there are many environmental groups which lobby for firms to embrace environmental conservation strategies which manufacturing goods. These groups which include the Global Footprint Network encourage consumers to shun products which are developed by firms which pollute the environment. As a result, firms are forced to adopt the use of clean technology and carbon emission reduction strategies such as carbon credits. Manufacturers in the Middle East and other parts of the world have therefore been forced by the changes in consumer behavior and market trends to embrace carbon credits strategy. Consumers have access to a wide variety of products due to technological change and innovation and they therefore have a bargaining power. Middle East firms which do not produce goods in environmentally friendly ways such as through use of carbon credits risk being shunned by consumers who will opt to purchase substitutes from manufacturers who support their cause for environmental conservation. Carbon credit strategies are therefore very relevant to the business environment in the Middle East for firms keen on increasing sales revenues and developing customer goodwill and loyalty. Businesses which are keen on developing long term sustainable practices should therefore develop an environmental conservation plan which may include the carbon credit strategy in order to meet their objectives. Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol is another initiative which makes carbon credit strategy relevant to the business environment in the Middle East. It has been discussed that several Middle East countries have ratified the Kyoto Protocol and these include Yemen, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and others. These countries are bound by resolutions made to reduce their carbon emissions by more than 5% of their 1990 emission levels. Since the countries voluntarily ratified the protocol, many are keen to follow it. The most effective way of reducing these emissions is reducing emissions by firms, particularly those in the manufacturing industry. Countries such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE are some of the largest global emitters and the only way they can achieve the goals of the Kyoto Protocol is to ensure that firms and particularly those in the oil industry reduce their emissions. Businesses which operate in the Middle East are therefore forced by the government to reduce their emissions in order to ac hieve the goals of the Kyoto Protocol. The Middle East governments are bound by the ratification of the Protocol and they have begun introducing carbon credits to businesses as strategies aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Countries including Qatar and the UAE have assigned the allowed emissions to businesses and organizations and put quotas on the emissions which each business should release into the atmosphere. Many other countries in the Middle East are likely to follow the trends taken by Qatar and the UAE. Businesses therefore have no choice if they are to operate in the Middle East business environment. They are bound by any international agreements which their countries enter into. Failure to observe carbon reduction strategies such as purchase of carbon credits may be deemed as unethical practices which may be punished by the governments, environmental protection agencies or financial regulators. The Kyoto protocol has therefore made carbon credits an essential part of business operation since firms have been forced to purchase them and be in line with the desired objective of Middle East and global governments of reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Corporate social responsibility Businesses have corporate social responsibility towards communities and the society at large. Any business has a social responsibility of empowering local communities through corporate responsibility programs which use different strategies to achieve this objective. Consumers are also aware of the social responsibility which firms have towards them and their local communities and they have begun associating themselves with firms which play important social roles in the community. In line with this, the business organizations which operate in the Middle East and other countries have a responsibility of socially empowering communities and operating in environmentally friendly ways (Ruddiman, 2005). This duty is not vested in the Kyoto Protocol, it is a duty expected from corporate bodies across the world. Firms are expected to operate in ways which do not pollute the environment and which socially uplift the standards of living of local communities. Due to the importance of corporate social responsibility and operating in environmentally friendly ways, many firms have strived to achieve these objectives. One of the common strategies include funding community projects, research and increasing awareness on social concerns. Other strategies include funding education, training, offering employment, sponsorships and donations. In addition, the goals of environmental conservation are achieved through use of clean technology, reducing energy use and reducing carbon and other harmful emissions to the environment. Carbon credits have gained demand for achieving the environmental conservation goals. The demand for social responsibility by consumers has therefore made carbon credits relevant to the business environment in the Middle East. Firms which do not observe this social responsibility role risk losing customers to competitors who embrace these causes. Reduction in production costs Recent research has shown that the use of clean technology can help reduce the production costs by as much as 20% in firms in the manufacturing industry. Research in developed countries such as China has shown that if used effectively, clean technology reduces the production cost by 20% for capital intensive activities (Lerner Wilmoth, 2006). Reduction of the production cost is a major goal for any business. This is because reduction in production leads to reduction in the overall product price and this attracts consumers to these relatively cheaper products. The benefits of clean technology apply to firms in the manufacturing industry. In the Middle East, there are many firms which operate in this industry and especially due to the presence of oil manufacturing firms. The use of clean technology would offer massive benefits to this industry. Although not many firms in the Middle East have realized the potential benefits of cost reduction due to embracing clean technology, there has been increased demand for this technology over recent months. Firms which have benefited from the clean technology have acted as case studies and more and more Middle East firms have begun embracing clean technology in order to reduce production costs. Such firmsd have embraced carbon credits as some forms of implementing the clean technology strategy. For instance, a renewable energy company called Masdar which is based in the UAE has plans to acquire carbon credits for waste heat and solar projects in order to reduce production costs and gain other benefits. Two projects commissioned in Abu Dhabi will receive 2.5 million credits between the current year and 2018. the potential benefits of production cost reduction will therefore make carbon credits popular clean technology strategies in the Middle East in the near future according to the cur rent trends by Middle East firms. Summary and conclusion The role of carbon credits and carbon footprints in the Middle East business environment has been discussed in detail. Carbon footprints have been defined as emissions of greenhouse gases which are attributed to a product or an organization while carbon credit on the other hand represents permits or certificates by business organizations allowing them to emit carbon dioxide or carbon equivalent to one tonne. Carbon footprints determine the levels of carbon emitted by businesses in a region. Once this information is known, it is possible to develop a strategy aimed at mitigating carbon footprint levels. Such strategies include use of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar or implementation of strategies to conserve the environment such as planting trees. Carbon credits aim at reducing carbon emissions. Carbon trading is form of trading in emissions. In order to implement carbon credits, carbon levels in the atmosphere are measured and capped to determine the most sustainabl e levels which will lead to minimal damage to the environment. After this is performed, the capped levels are allocated to regulated sources in the various markets. The carbon credit strategies are implemented under the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto protocol is an agreement amongst some countries which are members of the UN to take measures to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. The major goal of this framework is to stabilize greenhouse gases and reduce their effects on the environment. There are over 190 states which have ratified and signed the protocol including Middle East countries such as Yemen, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and others. Each of the Middle East countries which ratified the Kyoto Protocol has some assigned units of carbon emissions which are entered in individual country registries. The challenges of maintaining the agreed carbon emissions by countries which have ratified the Kyoto Protocol have been recognized by member countries. The joint implementation strategy allows countries which are about to undertake projects which would lead to high level of carbon emissions are allowed to undertake these projects in other countries. The clean development mechanism allows developed countries to fund carbon emission reduction efforts in developing countries at lower costs while emission trading allows countries which are about to exhaust their allowable limits to trade credits with those with sufficient allocations and vice verse. Due to the effects of environmental destruction including carbon emissions, climate change and global warming, consumers in the Middle East have began associating themselves with firms which manufacture products in environmentally friendly ways. Other factors which have contributed to the increase of use of carbon credit strategies by UAE firms include the Kyoto Protocol which forces businesses to undertake carbon reduction strategies, corporate social responsibility roles which dictate for operation of firms in environmentally friendly ways and reduction in production costs attributed to use of clean technology. Although not many firms in the Middle East have realized the potential benefits of cost reduction due to embracing clean technology, there has been increased demand for this technology over recent months. It is important for UAE firms to embrace reduction of carbon emission through carbon credit strategies among other environmentally conservation strategies in order to devel op customer loyalty and reduce the global emission of carbon into the atmosphere. This will be beneficial to the businesses as well as to humanity whose survival is threatened by environmental destruction.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Environment and Race Essay -- Sociology Racism Prejudice Essays
For many years now, environmental protection and regulation has been a moving force within societies, especially the United States, and has captured much support from many different people. The environmental movement has taken a stance against environmental degradation, depletion of natural resources, destruction of precious habitats, and the harming of endangered and non-endangered species. Emphasis on environmental quality has undoubtedly turned society a little greenerà ¤ and has made oneà ¢s quality of life a little better. However, not all areas of society have reaped the benefits of the environmental movement, a fact that may have to do with those populations being a little brownerà ¤. Despite efforts made to raise environmental standards, many in society, particularly minorities and low-income residents who live in urban areas, find themselves inhabiting areas where environmental quality is either neglected or abused, and problems are prevalent. This is a problem of environmental injustice. The right to equal environmental quality should be extended to all members of society. Environmental justice is important because it ensures that all citizens, no matter their ethnicity, income level, or other defining characteristics, receive fair and equal environmental quality. More importantly, it potentially combats the issue of environmental conflict that could arise between opposing sides (those affected, as well as surrounding industries and the government). For example, the construction of additional hazardous waste facilities in a poor minority community would be a potential conflict. Environmental justice is a fairly new concept within the environmental arena (its or igins can be traced back to the early twentieth century. It is c... ...e is green. References Baar, E., Greenbaum, A., & Wellington, A. (1995). Social Conflict and Environmental Law: Ethics, Economics and Equity: Volume I. Toronto: Captus Press. Glickman, T. & Hersh, R. (1995). Evaluating Environmental Equity: The Impacts of Industrial Hazards on Selected Social Groups in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Washington, D. C.: Resources for the Future. Have, S. (1976). Environment and Equity: A Survey of Metropolitan Issues. Washington, D. C.: The Potomac Institute, Inc. Hersh, R. (1995). Race and Industrial Hazards: An Historical Geography of the Pittsburgh Region, 1900-1990. Washington, D. C.: Resources for the Future. Hurley, A. (1995). Environmental Inequalities. North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press. Mandelker, D. (1981). Environment and Equity: A Regulatory Challenge. St. Louis: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The extensive records Essay
As technology continues to advance, computers are becoming more part of everyday life. Computers are everywhere at work, at school, and at home .Many daily activities either involve the use of or depend on information from a computer. This maybe because computers are used in almost every field and profession like education and office works to perform large number of computer application .It also the best solution for providing information and a way of communications in every individual and gives better understanding of some event s that can arouse the interest of some particular subject matter. The computerized world is a highly efficient one, which processing the big quantities of data and keeping .The extensive records will not be a problem to a post industrialized society, likewise the unreliable and slow processing and preparing student record and enrollment summary of report. At Mabitac National High School (MNHS) Mabitac, Laguna there are five hundred three students taking several year levels. The populations of the student in mentioned School are continued to grow which means also that an increase of records are handled by the Guidance Councilor. Clearly the manual system of enrollment and student record keeping are too much time consuming task. Computer can be considered as another instrument for developing a system like enrollment in every school. This can be a great help to those students, teachers and school who are handling many task from providing easier and faster access. The Problem and its Background Computer as part of the innovation in technology manifests bigger changes in world, economies, banks and other manufacturing centers flourished due to the catching power of computers in the field of education, not all school can afford to have numbers of computer to update the school manual system, which somehow caused a lot of inaccuracy and inefficiency in the data processing records, rules and regulations, profiles, and programs. The present system of Mabitac National High School is done manually such as the enrollment system, and record keeping. From the time it was started to operate, they use the manual system. Even nowadays, that they have computers, still they use it for proration of memos and letters. Mabitac National High School is a public School which is located at Brgy. Maligaya Mabitac, Laguna. And this School was started and established in the year 1970 known as Alas-as Brgy. High School. And it was found by Mrs. Lydia R. Carpio one of the famous people in Mabitac at that time .As the year fast this School became Mabitac National High School in the year 1987. Like some School, Mabitac National High School is using the old system, the manual system for enrollment. Theoretical Framework Theoretically, the main purpose of the system is to create an efficient, fast and reliable Computerized Enrollment and Permanent Record Keeping System of Mabitac National High School. A Database Management System (DBMS) consist of collection of interrelated and set of function to access the data. DBMS provides an environment that is both convenient and efficient to use in retrieving and storing information. It is also consist of programs for storing, retrieving and manipulating large amount of data. With DBMS software the user can compile huge list of data and manipulate, store and retrieve it without having touched single file cabinet of folder. Local Area Network (LAN) is a collection of interconnected computer that are separated by distance up to a few kilometers and typically used in office. Networking really helps establishment in a way of providing simultaneous process. Conceptual Framework In this study, the software that is being used DBMS and Visual Basic is window based programming language. It is the simplest and the easiest way to create an application in Microsoft Windows. Also this study is based and focuses not only on the process of enrollment in Mabitac National High school but also in other information about the school This is also aiming an effective means of processing information and retrieving data aside from being orderly used in almost all aspects in our daily lives. This Visual Basic and DBMS will serve as a powerful tool in keeping analyzing our records. And also this language is very effective, easy to use and friendly any one can adapt to this system. ProblemOutcomes/ Solution System Figure 1. The Conceptual paradigm of Computerized Enrollment and Permanent Record Keeping System of Mabitac National High School Statement of the Problem The present enrollment system of Mabitac National High School is done manually. Manually system of enrollment caused a lot of inaccuracy and efficiency in processing the record and data of the students. Too much time and effort are consumed and cannot give on time. Different Problems are as follows: 1. How to lessen the time of the students in paying their fees of Mabitac National iHHHHhhhH High School? 2. How the Mabitac National High School can manage an easy way of securing student record? 3. How to speed up the process of generating enrollment report in a short period of time? Significance of the Study The computers provide convenience to its user through the easier and faster way of transactions. Population of students in almost all-educational institution is rapidly increasing so great demand in teaching force is also becoming higher. Fortunately, today’s generation of high technology machine and tools can substitute these workers. This proposed â€Å"Computerized Enrollment and Permanent Record Keeping System of Mabitac National High School†will provide a high technology way of retrieving and managing student’s data. The study will be a great help to the following: Principal and Faculty Teachers. This study will help them to process records and keep the grades of students in a fastest and accurate way. It will help to keep and handle essential information of the students for the convenience of the students and the personnel assign to enrollment in this education institution. Students. The students can easily access and retrieval information regarding with the process of enrollment the effort and time and help to minimize the effort and time they exert. Mabitac National High School. It provides easy and fast approach in registration and enrollment. Scope and Limitation The study will be limited only to the boundaries of (Computerized Enrollment and Permanent Record Keeping System of Mabitac National High School). The researchers focused in getting relevant data including data of the students and computation of necessary fees, the system will able to print receipt and class list. It has an ability to save, record, and edit those data and important information about the students, teachers and school. The study covers the computerization of the activities, the enrollment system including student registration class list, principal’s report of total enrolment of students and receipt. Definition of Terms These terminologies were gathered by the researcher for better and clearer understanding about the study. Client. Does not share any of its resources that request a server’s content or service function. Computer. Machine capable of the following the instruction to alter data, programmable electronic device that can perform calculations and processing information. Database. Is a container to store your tables in. Enrollment. It is a process in which a student is being admitted to the institution. This includes the listing of information or data about the student and subject he/she will be enrolled. Information. Knowledge given or received of some fact or circumstances. Program. An algorithm that a computer can both follow directly and follow the translated version. Record. It is the collection of related field with information that usually pertains to only one subject. Server. A computer on a local area that is running software for controlling access to all or part of the network and its resources and shares its resources with client. System. It is a group of interrelated components working together toward a common goal by accepting input and producing output in an organized transformation process. Software. It is a system utility or application program expressed in complete readable language. User. The person who uses a computer for word processing, communications, and other application. User–Friendly. A program easy to use even though an individual is not knowledgeable about the system. Visual Basic 6.0. Scripting language or programming language that is used to design the system. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The chapter states the different literature and studies that were conducted for the research to gain familiarity that are relevant and similar to the present study. Related Literature Tinn (2001) stated that the computerization responded to the call the office or any workplace to help their daily operation. Malolos (2002) stated that the study of automation is important in the sense time that minimizes the time and effort normally exerted in manual process. Janes (2001) stated that computers are extremely reliable device and very powerful calculators with some great accessories applications like word processing problem for all of business activities, regardless of size, computers have three advantages over other type of office equipment that process information because computer are faster, more accurate more economical. Reyes (2005) task would be time consuming to accomplish manually and more practical with the aid of computers field in cabinet. According to Flores (2002), the automation is described simply as the substitution of machine control of human. Dioso (2001) stated that computer assist careful intelligent planning, organizing, actuating and controlling .This maybe observed from the past that they monitor production activities, solve scientific problem and help arrive in tentative answer to a multitude of involve conditions. Ralph M. Stair (1999) emphasized that the development of technology through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. From the orientation of the light bulb to the industrial revolution and beyond, we have continuously tried to in a more efficient means of doing tasks. Lewis (2002) stated that the reason for using computers vary from person to person. Some of the computers in business are to perform accuracy, to be as productivity, to decrease bottle necks or hassles to alter cash flows or to simples elevate your status. Sybex Inc (1999) stated that visual basic provide a graphical environment in which the users usually designed the forms and control that become the building block of tour application . Visual Basic support many useful tools that will help the user more productivity. Gold Chager et al (2003) said that computer as a device for processing information knew computer plays a significant role in their lives, but few are aware of just how pervasive role is. Mane (2000) mentioned that the creation of the computer made the easier to accomplish that by doing it manually, to have the direct access on straightforward answer just monitoring record where in the needs of computer make possible for everyone to get data in a particular need. We can consider that the computer is necessary and its productive tool for individual. Gurewich (1999) stated that the database system makes the work faster for every institution. For the mere fact that instead of doing things manually, with the use of computer technology everything is done fasters. Halili, M.C.N. (2004) that man’s actions are t just involuntary movements especially when time allow to plan his next action. These responses pass through the process of reasoning and analysis. Huntchinson (2001) stated that file is a collection of related records. Examples are the entire student’s courses card for Anthropology 101 or the transcript of all courses in the register’s office. Bryan (2006) emphasized the information system is a set of people, procedures and resources that collects, transforms and disseminates information in an organization to do’s ends rely on many types of information system (IS). They might include simple manual information system and informal system and also computer based information system that uses hardware, software telecommunication and other forms of information technology (IT). Sander (2002) computers are an intelligence amplifier that can free human to use their time effectively. Because a computer is a fast and accurate electronic symbol or data manipulating system that design automatically accept and store input data process and procedure output results under the direction of the stored program or instruction. Towsand (2005) stated that database is structed collection of data. The data may be about people, product events in short, any type of information is to manage the collection of data for reporting and making decision. Adamski(2007) give some advantages of database processing first economy of scale getting more information from some amount of data, sharing data balancing conflicting requirement, enforcement of standard, controlled redundancy consisting integrity security ,flexibility and responsiveness ,increase programmers productivity, improve program maintenance and data independence Perkins (1999) stated that computer has an impressive impact upon business, governmental organization; bank and all sorts of organization and on how they are operate and manage. Alcaria (2004) explained that the use of computer are continue to grow, the need for a more timely information and data processing comes on demand keeping the records of any manual operations need the application of computer because handling it manually will only be conflicting. Kroenke (2002) in the early 1970’s database processing was considered an esoteric subject of interest only to the longest corporation with the largest computer. Today, database processing is becoming an information system standard. Silberschatz (2006) in his book â€Å"Database System Concept†the goal of database system is to simplify and facilitate access to data. Ahitud (2007) Mentioned that information system are more collection of hardware, software and people. They should be constructed to fit the organization’s strategy and structure so that it could easily be adapted to the information they needed. Asumbra (2002) Access to information is the best way to. In line with technology access to information within fingertips is the easier way to be equipped in the future. Hammer (2003) Said that computer could eliminate the need for copying and rearranging information, which was entered into system. They also perform mathematical computation; in short computer can eliminate most of the paper works. Microsoft Corporation (2002) Explained that computer network are collection of computer and intelligent peripheral equipment that are inter connected by telephone lines, micro wave relays and other high-speed communication links of the purpose of exchanging data and sharing equipment. Related Studies Conde (2007) in his study entitled â€Å"Network-bases Enrollment System of Paete National High School cited that the manual process of enrollment and manual handling of information and reports of the students is very laborious one. The proponents developed a network based system enrollment system to the said school to solve the huge amount of task. Garcia (2002) created the â€Å"LSPC Enrollment System†, the study can be a great help to persons concerned during the enrollment period, the registrar, instructor of the students as they retrieval necessary information when needed and lessen the burden manually browsing over enrollment slip for record purposes Saayo (2008) developed the system â€Å"Network based automated Enrollment and grading system for Morong National High School. Due to increasing population of the institution, and the school currently implementing the manual system, every student spends a lot of time during enrollment period, such as paying their tuition fees a nd processing the school requirements. Valina (2009) entitled â€Å"Network-based student Permanent Record keeping and Enrollment System of Balian National High School†. This System was made to lessen the time and effort exerted by both student and school employees. It is also made to give accurate reports and keep records of every students every students and for easy and fast way of enrollment. Soria (2006) constructed a system entitled â€Å"Network-based Computerized inventory System for the supply office o the LSPC main campus. With the advancement of technology, devices and machines were improve , developed and inverted to cope up with the need of new world. There are different systems designed for reliable, efficient and very useful to the user. Cabang (2003) developed the ‘computerized Students Record Monitoring System of Siniloan National High School†, Computerized Student data will be exceedingly helped to the user through continuous management of the School. It could help the registral for a less effort services in he institutions specially in updating, printing and deleting students record. Velasco (2002) Study entitled â€Å"Maulawin National High School Student Information System†cited that maintaining students, records manually is a very difficult task and time consuming. In that case, computerization system that can help and handle this data needed to speed up the process of student’s record keeping and to promote and reliability. Cura (2004) Designed system entitled â€Å"computerized inventory system of office of the supply in LSPU†is capable of handling voluminous data about the flow of item insurance and reply to the flow of items’ issuance and return in supply office Torres (2002) conducted a study that resolves around the importance computerization of student information. This study was conducted with the hope that it would help minimize time and effort in processing student’s information in Maulawin National High School. The basic feature of this study is after the storage and access of retrieving and updating the data. Alcaira (1999) Stated that the using of computer are continue to grow, the need for a more timely information and data processing comes on demand keeping the record of any manual operations need the application, because handling it manually will only be conflicting. Aravia (2002) Show the growing importance of computers in the society. The significance of the study revolves the automation of student permanent record keeping. Garnace (1999) Developed application software for the computerized information system of a commercial piggery using the concept of the database and implemented it in database. Gumitao (2001) System is designed to provide reports of the list of enrollment per school year, periodical grade of students, and list of new, old and transferees Revalla (2005) created an Automation Enrollment System for the computer Science Department of the Laguna College business and Arts. The study was conceived because of the need to update the current registration system of LCBA, which is done manually. Her study, was based on the special problem of Mr. Bonifacio E. Bacani, Jr. about â€Å"Student Record information System†. Kampitan (2000) developed an Enrollment System of Liceo De Victoria that is designed to keep the students records. This is used to provide an effective and faster of providing information of the student and also the accounting purposes’ Liceo De Victoria Enrollment was developed and implement using relational database and designed in clipper 5.3. Earlier, Encila (1999) Introduced the Enrollment System for the computer Science Department of LCBA and traders, designed of enrollment System is advantageous to the school because it speed up the process and with only a minimum amount of power and resources. Cacao (2002) designed the â€Å"Morning Star Montessori School incorporated form 137implemented in Fox Base. Solomon (2002) developed Enrollment and Record keeping System, to know how to read sign the data that is used to be kept the record files of students and also that, it could be mange more efficiently in computer with his project. Quiver (2001) developed a program using database III which capable of retrieving, access in manipulating of data in easy way. A computerized system to minimized the lost of record and burden of work was designed by Pajarillo in 2002. Monsalve and Ilagan (2005) developed a program and designed using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft access. The system is capable of receiving access, searching items, providing adequate information and data gathering. IPizzara and Veridiano (2001) this system was done using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. This conducted system goes along the trend of computerization to be in the field of competitiveness and survive to the complicated works. Relayo (1999) this study will assist the researcher regarding to the use of database and Visual Basic. This system have been designed in order to speed up the access and retrieval information and to lessen manual effort involve in the library routine of transaction. Magalang (2003) he proposed this to developed software that will help the management of the school â€Å"lyceum’ in giving good service to its student in speeding of the process involve in monitoring account acquired during the enrollment & other payment transaction. Lazaro (2004) this study entitled â€Å"Liceo de Los Banos record monitoring system†password was created for the protection and was designed to be user-friendly by only authorized persons and to ensure security of data basic information. Lumbers (2002) stated in her study entitled â€Å"a systematic enrollment process using database system in Saint John academy. Calamba, Laguna†that the application of database system to the enrollment process will greatly increase its efficiency; automation of enrollment process will upgrade the quality of the services provided for the qualified enrollees.
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