Sunday, September 1, 2019
Company background
In addition to the usual media (television, radio, and newspaper) for aintained an extensive advertising campaign, the company makes significant use of billboards and signage, sponsors sporting events ranging from Little League to the Olympic Games. B. Training Topic/Area Our training topic is about how to become a good coach. We will identify the coaching skill and give some demonstration to manager trainees. In this training session, we will aim to focus on four main areas.First is Introduction, it would include the company background, objective, mission and the importance of coaching. Second is the concern of how to be a good coaching which includes the coaching skill, conflict cenario preference and resolution. Third is the session for discussing of the conflict scenario such as the advantage and disadvantage. Final one is the role play, short session for presenting and correcting the coaching conflict scenario which watched before. C. Target Trainees Our target trainees are focu s on the restaurant manager in all McDonald in Hong Kong.As most of them are newer to this level, therefore this training can provide the opportunity to them to get a well understanding of their Job duties. D. Lesson objective Manager Trainees should be able to equip the effective coaching skills. We hope that t can identify the unique leadership skill which is a healthy, positive and enabling process that transforms people to higher levels of competence. Furthermore, the coaching course can let the McDonald's manager trainees understand how to become a good coaching through the role play section and demonstration.In addition, the most important objective should understand the importance of mentoring in maximizing the team performance. E. Lesson plan Subject: Coaching (McDonald) Date ; Time: 4th March,2013, 1630-1730 Venue: Room 309 Lesson: How to become a good coaching. Coach: Han Chow, Adam Ku, Katie Lee, Kevin La', Simon Lam Objectives:After this lesson, 16 Manager Trainees shoul d be able to: To equip the To understand how to become a good coaching To understand the importance of mentoring in maximizing the team performance.Topics Important points Method Media/ Materials Time Venue Trainer Introduction Company background, Objective and mission, Importance of coaching PowerPoint 3Mtn 309 Kevin How to become a good coaching Coaching Skill, Conflict Scenario Preference and Resolution PowerPoint + Video PowerPoint Nga Han Role Play Good Coaching Scenario – 8Mtn Adam + Katie Discussion of scenario Advantage and Disadvantage of coaching scenario 6Mtn Simon F. Supplementary Information Role play scenario: McDonald manager always give some support to staff no matter staff cannot do the report well in the deadline.He will listen the reasons why the staff cannot do well instead of punish his staff. M= McDonald's Manager, S= McDonald's Staff (Aside: Mr. Ku is a manager of McDonald. Katie is a McDonald's staff. One day, Mr. Ku M:Hi, katie, we decide you to be th e holder of Mcdonload birthday party and write a report after this program, 0k? S: Sure. I am 0k. mr. ku. When do I need to complete the report and program? M: I am sure you will be able to do well in this program. You can complete it within one week. This book can give you some reference for your program.It is included some useful information and teach you how to do the program well. Hope it can help you. S: Thank you so much. Mr. Ku. I wont make you disappointed. (Aside: After 7 days, Katie finishes the report on time and hand in to Mr. Ku. ) S:Mr ku. this is my McDonald party report. M:Ok, let me check this. Did you find any problem in doing this report? Did the book give you some idea on doing the project? S: yes, I do. M:You always give us surprise, but this time, it's should not your usual performance, ou look tired, Is the working pressure too high or other thing influence you ?S: I am sorry that I could not do a perfect Job and have many mistakes in the report . lam afraid t hat i need more time to do it M: As I know you always are the good employee, i believe something make you fail. Fortunately this project is not urgent, i can give you more 4 days, but your problems do not solve that still affect the program, can you tell me? Maybe i can help you. S: My dad get sick now, i am really worry about his physical condition and my dad state, I often cannot fall asleep at night. Also, ‘need to go to hospital everyday, I really eel I can't sustain. For this program, I really want to do it better.M: Oh , i am sorry for that, No wonder you give me the report in your tensity, bestiring up, all things will be allright. do you want the leave to take care your father? S:Thanks a lot but I hope I follow my Jobs till the end, ‘will be responsible for this program I don't want to see other one handle my Jobs. M: I trust your ability and you can perform a good show, besides the time, what can i help you more? Like arrange a assistant for reducing your workl oad? S:Thank you for your support and accept my mistakes. That is a good idea, I hope he an help me handle the daily operation when I go to the hospital. epartment s:sure M: Good. In fact, everyone will face the difficult time, next time if you need help don't hide the problem that make more worst, try to talk to person who can help you, i believe they can solving the problem for you like this time. Remember, communcation is most important in a team. S: I got it! M:Good! I really expect your prefect program in the future. (Aside: After this matter, other staff members were surprise of Mr. Ku attitude and think that he is a good manager. He willing to understand his staff and accept mistakes so motivate staff to do better.
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