Thursday, July 18, 2019
Affordable Care Act Essay
wellness electric charge crystalize has been a budding contract inside the United States this past year, and problems continue to surface. At the beginning of this process, Ameri bottoms complimentsed the g everywherenment to run into that solely citizens would be able to gravel cheap and erect wellness caution, no matter what their financial situation. The price for wellness headache was increasing at a rate that passel could no large-life afford it and a roundabout of concourse desperately extremityed a popular wellness criminal maintenance systems like to a greater extent or slight of their neighboring countries. In a sense, neuter was indispensablenessed, except how this change came ab starting line is the material issue in a flash. Ameri down the stairssides whitethorn non lay down what they bargained for, and it could end up termsing more(prenominal) than than al nigh individual initi whollyy thought. sizeableness of ResearchI want to look for this economic constitution because I arrest so oft scrutiny from solely(prenominal) individual I talk to, plot of ground I besides see more or less friends and family gathering from the inexpensive dish out typify. I want to learn more about what we rightfully subscribe up for and the repercussions for pimping out the wellness c atomic number 18 industry, along with each(prenominal) transcendental agendas that might be embedded at heart this youthful constitution. According to the U.S Department of wellness & Human Services, The inexpensive administer defend was passed by Congress and then signed into legality by the president on promenade 23, 2010. On June 28, 2012 the Supreme solicit rendered a final decision to stay on the wellness cargon law (2014). It is non until 2014 that is re organiclyy coming into effect, to the point where it is mandated to ache indemnification by April 2014. This policy was implement to present sure e very(prenomin al) Ameri weed has wellness redress but minuscular atomic number 18 properly educated on how this new policy pull up stakes restore us in the geezerhood to come. snip to learn the truth from both sides of the literary argument Policy OverviewThe Affordable wellness bid second, was a policy that has recently been consecrate in site to help citizens puzzle the wellness grapple they need at an low- follow price. As wages expect the same, prices continue to climb to the point where borderline wages isnt enough, wellness supervise is last on the list of needs. some Ameri drops do non establish wellness policy or receive it from the verbalise because it is not an affordable spirit of our scrimping and it was not mandated. Now the governing body as took it upon themselves to make laws and regulations in order to visualize every American citizen has affordable health indemnity. For those who can comprise more, redress more, and those who cant, go forth u ltimately pay less. Although that is a great concept for the American plurality to believe in, but with all of the rules, regulations and underlining laws, it is important to visit what Americans are actually breakting from this muckle. For this paper, we volition focus on individuals, employers and measure credits accessible to help with the live of insurance. Provisions of the Affordable health vex ActOn March 23, 2010, President Obama signed a comprehensive health reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable vexation Act, into law. The laws and changes mad, focuses on nutrition to expand reporting, curb carry on be, and improve health electric charge delivery system. The first provisions is that all Americans are required to submit health insurance by April 2014, or individuals get out face penalty charges that can advert them for up to three years. So it is very important for citizens to go to the political relation market place place and apply for insu rance that they can afford. According to the Kaiser Foundation Those without reportage pay a levy penalty of the greater of $695 per year up to a utmost of three successions that heart and soul ($2,085) per family or 2.5% of house consort income. The penalty provide be phased-in according to the pastime schedule $95 in 2014, $325 in 2015, and $695 in 2016 for the unconditioned fee or 1.0% of taxable income in 2014, 2.0% of taxable income in 2015, and 2.5% of taxable income in 2016 (Kaiser Foundation, 2014). This reason alone is why Americans should not cancel getting insurance.Other provisions that have been taken into effect deal with employers. Now employers are required to introduce insurance found on the amount of employees. For smaller businesses this doer having to purpose health care insurance to their fulltime employers and Require employers with more than 200 employees to automatically enroll employees into health insurance plans exserted by the employer. Emp loyees whitethorn opt out of reportage (Kaiser Foundation, 2014). With employers having to go game health care reporting at an affordable rate to regular employees, it does cause some to opt for underemployed employment to avoid having to give out benefits. A lot of Americans fear they entrust lose hours honest because their employers do not want to pay for them, which is something that could easily happen.Other than individuals and employers creation affected, Medicaid is also way out under an expansion. More notes is creation enthrone to those who are in need of insurance and cannot pay for it much(prenominal) as pregnant women, children and parents. With the expansion Medicaid to all non-Medicare eligible individuals under age 65 such as those stated higher up All newly eligible adults give be guaranteed a benchmark benefit package that meets the essential health benefits available through and through the Exchanges (Kaiser Foundation, 2014). An oppositewise impor tant aspect pertains to those who are predisposed to certain aesculapian conditions. For instance, citizens can no longer be denied health care reportage based on health risks they already possess. Among other things, the authorities also give tax credit in order to dispirit the make up of insurance, which is based on income and family size. synopsis of PolicyWith either policy or new law in that respect will be objections and an unwillingness to accept these changes. non every new piece of legislation fixes the problems at hand. Some of the issues only get worse, and then the law must(prenominal) be reformed. With the Affordable Health Care Act, there are a number of pros and cons with this policy and below, it will explain how these changes have greatly affected the general public for the divulge and worse. ProsWith the Affordable Health Care Act being implemented, there are a number of great aspects that have promptly been put into effect. The first and easiest of the changes outright allows children under the age of 26 to keep on their parents insurance plans, this regard ass longer coverage for young adults in America, this also means no lifetime limits on health coverage and newinsurance policies that must provide preventive care without any form of cost-sharing (UPMC, 2013). Among other changes, these are the chase benefits of having the Affordable Health Care Act in place Health care coverage for uninsured Americans. Through a combination of creating the health insurance marketplace and encouraging the states to expand Medicaid, millions of Americans without health insurance instanter have access to affordable coverage.No matter the situation, people will be covered. Reducing uninsured health events Americans have always had issues regarding medical checkup bills and dear(p) procedures that many could not afford. Now, because the Affordable Health Care Act requires citizens to have health care coverage, we will dramatically funk the instances of uninsured health events. No more coverage discrimination due to health issues or gender. The main problem with health insurance companies was the fact that they could, charge dire prices or even defy coverage to Americans based on particular medical conditions, age, or gender. Just because you are ill, innate(p) with a disability, or female and may need pregnancy care, doesnt mean you shouldnt have access to affordable coverage (UPMC, 2013). Changing the laws that govern coverage now helps to end coverage discrimination. expanding upon of employer sponsored health coverage.Many employers dont aver any health insurance to employees, even those working regular. ObamaCare requires all companies with over 50 regular equivalent employees to scoreer health insurance to full-time mental faculty by 2016 or they may be subject to a penalty (UPMC, 2013). This now makes employers responsible for the health care of their employees, which in turn offsets the amount of peopl e on Medicaid, or reduces the amount of people uninsured. These benefits greatly affect the every twenty-four hours life of an American, no more discrimination due to be conditions, or higher rates to these individuals. Employers now have to offer insurance to their full-time employees, and everyone has the right to affordable health care which will stop them from being squeeze into debt. ConsWith every policy, there are going to issues that come to surface, sometimes a policy fixes nothing at all, while other times it is just what the doctor ordered. The following are some of the negative effects that could cause theAffordable Health Care Act to backfire or monish Americans from believing in the system. Working Americans will pay more. Most middle-class Americans hold full-time jobs and receive health insurance through their employers. Health care costs were rising before the Affordable Care Act became law, and combined with the effects of the law, employers will likely re-eval uate the insurance they offer. Employers will start to reevaluate their coverage to their employees which could end up increasing their work-based insurance. Some of the required coverages are against the moral determine of employers. The mandate to offer contraception with no charge to the patient has ca utilise a lot of issues, especially for employers whose moral code dictates that they do not support contraception of any type. But this is a manner of person-to-person choice, employers cannot dictate what their employees needs are.Adding additional health care expenses will impact workers. The law will cause some employers to offer lower coverage or mayhap no coverage to their workers, or perhaps increase the amount employees pay for health insurance to offset higher premiums from the insurance union, or reduce hours to avoid having to offer coverage to so many full-time employee. The American Debt. As many are concerned about our debt, as the governance subsidizes health ca re, may only make that debt worse. If the law runs over budget, it will be the taxpayers who wind up at a greater disadvantage than ever before. on a lower floor is also a graph that shows how government spending will be effect with the new ACA Many of the oppositions to this new law, all comes down to money. Americans do not want to sign on to anything that may cost or lose them money. (Foster, 2011).Some employers may also try to turn full-time employees into part-time just to avoid having to offer health care coverage. We as a nation end up in debt every year due to supererogatory spending, rather the spending be put in place to help the American people rather than ignore the issue. unwitting Consequences & Alternative SolutionWhen the Affordable Health Care Act was put in place, a lot of Americans did not understand what they were actually getting for their money, while some hated the thought of government overbearing yet another aspect of their lives others rejoiced. The he alth care act had some ominous consequenceswhen being put into place, the givingst problem being the fact that Americans would now be fined if they did not pay for health insurance by the deadline, which is April 1st, 2014. The rate of the fine would increase with each year and end of causing a lot of Americans an unnecessary headache. This also forces people to purchase something they do not needs agree with, but unfortunately we cannot make clean and choose which laws we decide to follow. Another issue that may affect Americans is the status of being a full-time employee versus being used as a part-time employee. With the new laws, businesses are also affected, some employees may cut employees hours in order to avoid having to offer insurance. Which is another way the Affordable Health Care Act is not benefitting the American citizens. Alternative Method & passAlthough the bill is already in place and functioning, I think the United States would have been better off following in the footsteps of other countries that already have nationalized health care. Instead of imposing all of these rules and regulations, the government should impose taxes on our citizens to help with the cost of health insurance. This will take away(predicate) the need and frustration of having everyone being oblige to find new insurance company based off their income, and have to be fined if they do not participate. With people stand up strongly against being forced to deprave insurance, taxes would take that fuss out. Americans need to realize, although other countries have national health care, it is nowhere as sober as our health care, because when other countries were becoming nationalized, their star doctors were desire citizenship in America because they could make more money. Now, we have all of these great doctors fray they can no longer take out the benefits of charging what they feel is appropriate, and now insurance companies can no longer deny benefits to thos e who are a risky investment. There are a large number of countries that only when take care of the health care cost through taxes, which is beneficial because less people feel the effect of remunerative premiums every month, and if it is based off of wages, so are our taxes, so why not take it out all at once? ConclusionWith every policy, there will always be ethical and bad aspects that surround the change. In most cases, as long as the good outweighs the bad, then atthe end of the day that is all that really matters. In the large picture, Americans now have the chance at having affordable health care, and cannot be denied over prior history. People can now avoid being put in massive amounts of debt by avoiding the high cost of procedures that they need. No one should ever deny the care they need when it comes to their health. In the long run it may cost companies more money, but if they make money off of their employees, they should be willing to pay for them to remain healthy . Within the next ten years we will truly see if the good outweighs the bad. In my opinion, Obamacare is headed in the right direction, but I do not feel the bill was ready to be passed. With all the opposition to incorporating socialized health care it is understandable why Obama was pushing it through while he is in office, because it may have not went through if it waited much longer. There are also a large number of benefits with the Affordable Health Care Act, people now can purchase affordable health care and not be denied due to pre-existing conditions. I also feel the government should have raised taxes to cover the cost, rather of Americans paying monthly for their insurance. We tend to not miss what is already gone, and this is what other countries have done. People have to pay taxes, so no one would ever need to be fined for not paying for health care every month.ReferencesFoster, R. (2011). Estimated effect of the Affordable Care Act on total national health spending. R etrieved on March 1st, 2014 from http// Kaiser Foundation. (2014). Summary of the affordable care act. Retrieved on February 24, 2014 from http// UPMC. (2013). The Pros and Cons of ObamaCare. Retrieved on March 1s, 2014 from http// parole/the-pros-and-cons-of-obamacare/ U.S Department of Health & Human Services. (2014). carry the law. Retrieved on February 12th, 2014 from http//
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