Thursday, December 26, 2019
College essay topics to write about the Partnership - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1987 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Building Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Abstract In recent years Partnering as received significant attention within the construction industry because of the purported benefits this approach brings to the parties involved. Furthermore partnering is a means through which the recommendations of the (1998) Egan Report, a client driven, target focused and integrated approach that is based on alliances rather than confrontation. Partnering also is a mechanism through which Best Value may be achieved. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "College essay topics to write about the Partnership" essay for you Create order This dissertation focuses on a specific public sector partnering project (the Midlothian New Housing Construction Partnership). The Partnership was initiated by Midlothian Council, during 2003, to carry out  £105 million worth of work on a new social housing programme over 5 years. The overall partnership includes client project team, four project management teams alongside Design Teams and Contractors working on individual sites in a collective beneficial manner. The study designed to provide a narrative account of this stage that explains how partnering was established and developed. Furthermore is to highlight strengths and weaknesses of the Midlothian Partnership compared to suggested practice. Partnering was investigated by the use of a web-based survey questionnaire method. The Questionnaire design was based on an extensive review of the literature dealing with partnering. The opinions of parties involved were assessed in relation to the success fact ors, major difficulties and benefits of partnering. Partnering is acknowledged within the literature reviewed as delivering a number of tangible benefits. This study confirms a number of these assertions since the findings indicate a broad agreement tat both the process and the outcomes of partnered projects are beneficial. Respondents believe that partnering can bring significant benefits, including fewer adversarial relationships and increased end-customer satisfaction. However, the risks and barriers are real and must be considered. If all parties work together to control risk events and prevent barriers occurring, then partnering projects should succeed. In sum, partnering can and does work, but all project participants must re-think their attitudes and work to make projects more efficient, successful and free of conflict. Abbreviations BAA British Airports Authority BV- Best Value CBPP- Construction Best Practice Programme CCT- Compulsory Competitive Tendering CIB- Construction Industry Board CII- Construction Industry Institute CT- Construction Team ECI- European Construction Institute EU- European Union F CM- Facilities Construction Manager GPD- Gross Domestic Product HFVN- Housing for Varying Needs HTML- Hyper Text Mark-up Language IRP- Issue Resolution Protocol KPIs- Key Performance Indicators LA- Local Authority MSc- Master of Science M4I- Movement of Innovation MNHCP- Midlothian New Housing Construction Partnership NAO- National Audit Office NEC- New Engineering Contract P21- NHS ProC21ure PPC- Project Partnering Contract PPP- Public Private Partnership UK- United Kingdom Chapter 1.0 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Introduction Rationale for the Research The Construction industry is a very competitive and risky business. It is faced with many problems such as little co-operation, limited trust, and ineffective communication often resulting in an adversarial relationship among all project stakeholders. This type of adversarial relationship is likely to result in construction delays, difficulty in resolving claims, cost over runs, litigation, and a win-lose climate (Moore et al, 1992). In recent times, there has been a growing awareness that accepting the lowest priced bid does not always provide the best value for money. Over the past decade, partnering as been acknowledged in UK as an innovative and non-adversarial approach to the procurement of construction services in the industry. Successive UK construction industry review reports (namely the Latham Report, 1994; the Egan Report, 1998; NAO Report, 2001) rightly emphasised the importance of the partnering arrangements in order to facilitate team working across contract ual boundaries. The use of partnering is becoming more frequent in UK Public Sector construction projects because of the potential benefits that can be achieved from the effective implementation of the project partnering arrangement. In theory, the benefits Partnering brings to a project are straightforward and simple: Projects are done on time and within budget; Problems are pro-actively solved and individuals work together to minimise road blocks; People walk away from a project feeling great about what they have accomplished; There are no residual disagreements or litigation claims after project completion. However, despite this, many organisations are still reluctant to embark on the partnering route or are failing to apply a structured approach to lead to major value enhancements in timelines; quality and lower costs and project partnering is not always successful. This study examines the strengths and weaknesses of partnering in practice and explores the factors that promote or inhibit the development of partnering relationships. The partnering approach and process will be examined through a case study of relatively large-scale partnering project currently undertaken by Midlothian Council. This study concentrates upon this particular project because it offers a chance to explore the very different approach used and to investigate partnering benefits; critical success factors; partnering relationship and communication; as well as major difficulties in partnering implementations. Supporting Literature The UK construction industry has attracted a great deal of criticism in recent years for its inability to meet the needs of its clients. Seminal reports by Latham (1994) ad Egan (1998) both identified a pressing need for change. Subsequently, the UK construction industry has embarked on a sustained campaign to overcome its perceived performance problems through a number of initiatives and radically different approaches to the procurement and management of construction projects. Latham and Egan agendas have concentrated on improving interactions between clients and lead contractors, and in particular the formation of partnerships and strategic alliances (Himes, 1995; Barlow et al, 1997; Crane et al, 19975, Bresnen and Marshall, 1998). Partnering can be regarded as a strategic arrangement whereby a contractor is engaged in a series of projects with the aim of lowering costs and improving efficiency, or can be a short term single project arrangement (Harris and McCaffer, 20 01). Partnerships can operate independently of strategic alliances, where collaborators, having demonstrated, a commitment through previous behavioural attitudes, co-operate and share resources in pursuit of common goals. Thus, each team member is jointly anchored to the process (Walker at al., 2000). Alliances can range in scope from an informal business relationship to a joint venture agreement, the common feature being that collaborators work towards a joint goal. Partnering represents perhaps the most significant development to date as a means of improving project performance, whilst offering direct benefits to the whole supply chain (Dozzi et al., Larson and Drexler, 1997). Several other studies indicate that there is a little doubt about the positive aspects of partnering arrangements. Barrick (1998) identifies instances of comparable success: groups such as Esso, Sainsburys and the British Airports Authority (BAA) are reported to have reached savings of 4 0% on costs and 70% on time. Other research is similarly optimistic in claiming that there is a desire to move beyond narrow self-interest towards a spirit of co-operation and trust (Wood and McDermott), 1999) and that partnering can indeed lead to benefits for all parties (Hamza et al., 1999). Lamont (2001) even suggests empowered as a direct result of partnering and thereby work together more effectively. Indeed, as Bresnen and Marshall (2002) observe, the literature is replete with case study examples of successful partnerships. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that a considerable number of clients and contracting organizations are now adopting a partnering strategy within their relationships. However, there is a less critical analysis of the nature of partnering in practice and whether the claims made for it are consistently justified. Much of the partnering literature tends to concentrate on success stories, which are largely anecdotal and focus on the experien ces of exemplar organizations. Dainty et al. (2001) express related concerns in the sub-contract arena pointing to a fundamental mistrust and scepticism within existing supply chain relationships and a need for attitudinal change. Greenwood (2001) concludes that typical contractor/subcontractor relationships are still cost-driven and potentially adversarial. Similarly, Packham et al (2003) suggest that partnering may not offer many tangible benefits to small construction enterprises and often has a detrimental effect upon the contractor/subcontractor relationship. At the same time, there is also a recognized need for more research into partnering (Bresnen and Marshall, 2000; Lazar, 2000; Li et al., 2000). Research Objectives The aim of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive study of construction partnering in general, and to specifically examine in detail a current case study of a major partnering housing project. The following tasks are identified as specific dissertation objectives: To review the relevant historic and current literature on partnering theory and practice and in so doing to To review the relevant historic and current literature on partnering theory and practice and in so doing to a. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of partnering; b. Explore the factors that promote or inhibit the implementation of partnering; c. Determine what barriers exist to the implementation of partnering; 2 To evaluate the Midlothian Councils adoption of partnering and in so doing to examine the partnering arrangement used by the Council and compare it against best practice; assess the current state of the project by evaluating the perceptions of the partners involved in the project; identify the specific concerns, barriers, and other problems limiting its effectiveness and; Identify the lessons learned so far and the critical factors that facilitate its successful adoption. Hypothesis The following are the hypothesis, which need to be tested in this dissertation: Partnering is beneficial to the public sector if the significant barriers can be overcome. 1.5 Research Methodology The research adopts a combination of literature review, analysis of a case study of a current partnered project and a questionnaire survey. The research methodology has been developed as follows: The first step of the methodology was to review the recent literature and examine the recent research findings on construction partnering. The information has been extracted from various sources. Published books and research papers have been used to develop the methodology. Construction Journals, management journals, Government reports, and public releases of information from ongoing or completed partnering related studies have been used to compile information. The review is essential as it allows an overall knowledge and understanding of the subject and facilitates focusing on the aims and objectives of this research. The second step was to examine and analyse a current case study to investigate the characteristics of both successful and unsuccessful partnering ef fort. The material for the case study mostly collected from Midlothian Construction Service project files. The partnering data was collected for comparing the partnering approach and processes used against recommended best practice (Identified in the Literature Review). In order to accomplish the aims and objectives of the research, a questionnaire survey was used as the primary research method. The level of in-depth analysis and flexibility required to complete the study required a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The questionnaire contained closed and open-ended questions handed to participants involved in the project. This method provides sufficient level of investigation for a construction research and allows research data to be collected quickly, for less cost, it is also suggested that a better rate of return can be achieved (Kate Carter and Chris Fortune 2004), provided that the following considerations were taken into account: The questions have to be properly designed to ensure all the relevant data required for the research are collected; The questionnaire has to be tested before being handed to the participants The opinions of various parties (clients, consultants, and contractors) sought and evaluated in relation to the partnered project to identify success factors, common threads and problem areas. The analysis is then presented in tables, graphics or charts to illustrate the results that obtained from the survey. Then, the research questions are used as the guide to test the hypothesis as well as to conclude the findings by determining the aims and objectives of the research. Finally, conclusions from the survey and case study, recommendations made where appropriate. The limitation of the research will then be discussed followed by a statement of further possible research suggested by this study.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Issues Surrounding The Amazon Rainforest - 1206 Words
The Denver Academy has recently researched and defined some of the important facts surrounding the Amazon rainforest. In 2017, the Amazon rainforest covers 2.1 million square miles of South America. It is a vast ecosystem home to 10% of the world’s known species (The Denver Academy). They go on to say that the trees are so dense, when it rains, it takes 10 minutes for the water to break through the forest roof. The destruction of this habitat could lead to extinction of these species, and have devastating impacts all over the world from the loss of the lungs of the earth. While it is mainly concentrated in Brazil there are also large portions of the rainforest in Peru and Colombia, so many populations and economies are directly affected†¦show more content†¦If this rate continues, the amazon will soon be depleted of all its resources, leaving tens of thousands of species homeless and greatly reducing the amount of fresh air available on the planet. As members of this planet, who happen to breathe oxygen, we should be taking appropriate measures to prevent this from occurring. Re-using old pastures is good for all parties. Not only would it reduce the deforestation rates, but it would have the added benefit of providing a use for the land. It may be cheaper to acquire the land as well, due to its dilapidation. Reducing the amount of rainforest clearing for cattle pastures can be achieved if the government puts more funding and research into recycling old pastures. The extinction of species in the Amazon is a very real threat to the planet’s health. The Giant Otter, South American Tapir, and the Red Faced Uakari Monkey are three examples of endangered species in the Amazon. Their habitats are constantly threatened by deforestation and is getting smaller every day (Aqua Expeditions 2014). Ecosystems are built on the food chain and have a balance to maintain in order to thrive. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
I, Too, Am America Essay Example For Students
I, Too, Am America Essay I, Too, Am Americaby kooshlaAmerica, the melting pot of the world, and yet its different races haveso much trouble melding together. According to statistics, in all probability,I have a higher chance than any other race teenager of not graduating from highschool. By stereotype, all I do is eat fried chicken, sell drugs, and playbasketball. In society, I might work twice as hard as the next man and not getthe promotion. I am a part of the percentage who chooses to defy theprobability, break the stereotype, and change society. I, Too, Am America. Unfortunately, in my experience through junior and senior high, thecommon black attitude towards education has been one of neglect. Not caringabout one F, or the other, careening through high school with a gpa of 1.5. However, there are those who really care about their grades, earning the respectof their peers and friends. I strive to be in the latter group, so that I canbetter myself. For every black student who makes that extra effort, that bettergrade, there will be another person who becomes more enlightened to the factsand not the fiction of black life in America. In the act of improving my mind,I am not only helping myself but furthering the cause for complete equalitythroughout the nation. As part of Americas black youth, I must grow up in a world of racism,no matter what supposed huge steps have been made. It is up to me not to usethis as an excuse but as an obstacle to surmount. In my lifetime I will befaced with prejudice which may hinder my progress. This opposition must not bemet with excuses for substandard work, or inadequate job qualification. It mustbe met with a serious work ethic, justly qualified applicants, and intelligenceso not to be denied for any reason. Through this procedure black people willgain equality and vanquish the racist mentality. I will be one of those peopleto meet the adversary with full force of mind. I am a black teenager who plays soccer and tennis. Sometimes I amridiculed for playing these sports by other blacks. I also face ridicule when Imake good grades and care about my school work. There will be times when I willhave to fight against my own race to get where I want to be in life. My highschool career is one of those times. I am and will continue to be myself. Iwill not stray from my path. Without education and self-respect the blackyouth are being held down by themselves. I and others like me struggle forchange, but it will take more than our struggle to change an entire nation. I, Too, Am America? I am part of the intelligent, strong generationthat will one day run this country. I am part of the heartfelt, determinedblack youth which will one day end the racist mentality. I am true to myobligation by being myself, educating myself, and standing for what I believe in. I, Too, Am America? I and others like me are the heart, body, and soul ofwhat America is, should be, and will be. Social Issues
Monday, December 2, 2019
Lady Or The Tiger Essay Essay Example
Lady Or The Tiger Essay Paper The Princesss Jealousy Love or jealousy, which overcomes the other? Can love be so strong that you are willing to make sacrifices for your lover just to keep them alive? Or can jealousy be s o powerful that you are willing to murder your lover? In Frank Stockpots short story, The Lady or the Tiger, he ends the story with a question, leaving the readers to decide which door the p eeriness chose for her lover. The clues given in this story shows that jealousy can overpower love e, which means that the princess chose the door with the tiger. While the princess loved the commoner clearly, she was not able to control h re jealousy and anger. The lady was the fairest and loveliest of the damsels, and she felt t hat her soul would have burned in agony (150) if the lady and the commoner were to have a we adding. She obviously wanted him for herself, and she did not want the lady to interfere in her relationship with her lover. In addition, the Story says, Often she had seen, or imagined SSH e had seen, this fair creature throwing glances of admiration upon the person of her lover, an sometimes she thought these glances were perceived and even returned (149). We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Or The Tiger Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Or The Tiger Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Or The Tiger Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This meant t hat the princess already believed that the lady and her lover might be having an affair and she could not handle the fact that they could end up getting married. Young 1 Furthermore, due to her selfish and semicircular behavior, it led her to choose e the door with the tiger. She hated the lady, which the story states itself, It was one oft he fairest and loveliest of the damsels of the court who had been selected as the award oft he accused youth, would he be proved innocent of the crime of aspiring to one so far above hi m; and the princess hated her (149). Because she hated the lady, the princess wanted to cause ha arm to her. If killing her lover will harm the lady in any way, I feel that the princess will be willing t o do it because of her semicircular nature. Also, no one can have him besides the princess, hi chi means that she thought the lady was a threat to her and the commoner. Lastly, the princess chose the door with the tiger because she was imperious I eke her father. The story states that the king had a daughter ND with a soul as fever .NET and imperious as his own (147). This meant that she wanted things her way, and she believe d that it was easier to let her lover die. A s the princess questions, Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semicircular futurity? The princes s would not have to see the lady With the commoner, and she could wait for him later on in the afterlife. Obviously, the princess chose the door with the tiger despite the fact that she loved him, because she was too selfish and jealous. She mainly did it for herself, so she would not have to see him with the lady, and it would have hurt the damsel in some way. Also, t he princess would have met him in the afterlife, so it is easier than having to deal with seeing hi m alive with Young 2 another woman instead of her. This shows that jealousy indeed can overpower re love. However, is it truly love when you are so jealous that you are not willing to make sacrifices for your own lover? Sacrifices, such as letting them live and watch your lover marry another woman just to make them happy?
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Football Coaching Essay Example
Football Coaching Essay Example Football Coaching Essay Football Coaching Essay Football coaches develop the knowledge, techniques and motivation of football teams and players. They train players at all levels, from beginners to top As a football coach you would: plan coaching activities, sessions and programmes provide feedback and give advice on players performance, fitness and technical skills develop and discuss strategies and tactics for both individual and team play give guidance on nutrition, and injury recognition and prevention research good practice and innovative examples of coaching from around the world advise players on how to keep up a positive mental attitude and self-discipline. At a higher level, you may also: analyse matches and player performance data design innovative training methods and programmes deal with the media. You could coach at amateur level, working in the community with children, youth or adult teams (often as a volunteer), or at semi-professional and professional level, with players in football academies and league clubs. As a community football coach you would work with clubs, schools and local authorities, using football as a means of personal and social development. You would work closely with local community organisations to develop opportunities for young eople to get involved in sporting activities. Hours Many coaches are part-time, and you would often combine your coaching with other full-time work, for example coaching for two evenings during the week and attending games or tournaments at the weekend. Attending training sessions and matches can mean working long and often unsocial hours in all weathers. Income Community football coaches can earn between E16,OOO and E24,OOO a year. : Football League/Premiership coaches may earn between E25,OOO and around E250,OOO, depending on the role of the coach and the level of the club. Football coaches are often employed for a few hours a week, and paid an hourly rate. Figures are intended as a guideline only. Entry requirements You can qualify as a coach by completing Football Association (FA) coaching qualifications (often called badges), which start at Level 1 and go all the way through to the UEFA A Licence for the semi-professional and professional game. You would begin by taking one of the following qualifications, depending on your experience: Level 1 Award in Coaching Football Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Football. The Level 1 Award introduces the basics of coaching theory and practice and would e suitable for someone without experience or who assists a coach in a team. The Level 2 Certificate is aimed at those who already have some experience in coaching and/or playing and teaches how to plan, conduct and evaluate training sessions, using different coaching styles. These are widely available at colleges and training centres, are open to anybody over 16 who has a keen interest in sport and can be used to work with football players of all ages. 1st4sport Qualifications accredits the Level 1 and 2 coaching awards and you can find more detailed information about them on their website. st4sport Qualifications Football (Opens new window) Volunteering at a local amateur football club is a good way to get started and gain some experience in coaching. Check the FA Find a Club page for contact details of your nearest clubs. FA Find a Club (Opens new window) The FA also offers a range of coaching qualifications if you wish to work with people with disabilities or want to concentrate on coaching children and at youth levels. To work with children, either as a volunteer or paid coach, you will need to pass background checks by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). See the DBS website for more information about checks. Disclosure and Barring Service (Opens new window) You can find full details of routes into coaching, volunteering, and local and national courses on the FA website. FA Become a Coach (Opens new window) You could also gain coaching qualifications and experience as part of a university course in sports coaching, sports science, sports studies or physical education. Once you nave completed qualifications up to Level 2 and nave experience ot coaching, you could progress to the higher level FA qualifications. Training and development After achieving the Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Football you can apply for the UEFA B Licence. The course covers a variety of theoretical and practical skills, including: principles of attacking, counter-attacking, movement and possession, and defending set plays (corners, free kicks and throw-ins) training drills the 4-corner approach to player development technical, physical, psychological and social fitness and nutrition. The course involves 16 days of study and practical workshops, spread over a number of weeks. It can be done at regional centres or through the St Georges Park National Football Centre at Burton-upon-Trent. To apply, you must be aged 20 or over, hold the Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Football and be regularly coaching an 11-a-side team. The last stage for some coaches is the UEFA A Licence, which is geared towards those working at semi-professional and professional level, although it can be used to work at all levels. It has two parts done on a residential basis. The first part is 13 days long and the second takes eight days. You would also take a one-day pre-application course to make sure you have the necessary qualifications and experience. It builds on topics covered by the UEFA B course and includes team motivation, tactics, strategy, match analysis and player performance. On successful completion, you would be expected to apply for re-assessment within five years. There is a UEFA Pro Licence beyond the A Licence, mainly aimed at managers in professional football, which concentrates on areas like management skills, leadership and handling the media. You can also add to your coaching qualifications with training in particular areas, such as: goalkeeping specific skills for defenders, midfielders and attackers sychology player confidence, mental strength and behaviour futsal (South American indoor 5-a-side game, growing in worldwide popularity). See the FA website for more details about their courses and coaching qualifications. FA National Course Planner (Opens new window) To be successtul, you should always be open to new ideas and continually improve your skills and knowledge of the game. You can Join the FA Licensed Coaches Club for continuing professional development opportunities. FA Licensed Coaches Club (Opens new window) Sportscoach I-JK also offers an extensive programme of personal development ourses for coaches at every level. Skills, interests and qualities To become a football coach you will need to have: energy, enthusiasm and the ability to motivate others knowledge of, and keen interest in, football good communication skills patience and determination to succeed flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing environments, ability groups and weather conditions the ability to give tactful, positive advice and constructive criticism good organisational and planning skills a confident and professional manner. More information Football Association My Football (Opens new window) ww. thefa. om/my-football Sport England (Opens new window) www. sportengland. org sports coach UK (Opens new window) www. sportscoachuk. org SkillsActive (Opens new window) Castlewood House 77-91 New Oxford Street London WCIA IPX Advice line: 08000 933300 www. skillsactive. com 1st4sport Qualifications (Opens new window) Coachwise Ltd Chelsea Close Off Amberley Road Armley Leeds Tel: 0113 290 7610 www. 1st4sportqualifications. co m Opportunities You can develop your career by moving to more prestigious and higher profile clubs. Progression will depend on your results and reputation. You may also be able to take further training to develop your skills into more specialist areas, such as international coaching, performance coaching and goalkeeping coaching. As a coach working with young people, you may be able to gain relevant qualifications and move into sports development or youth work. Many of the skills and qualities you develop as a good coach would be transferable to other areas of the sports industry. Vacancies are advertised in the press and on websites such as the following: Leisure Jobs (Opens new window) I-JK sport (Opens new window) Jobs page
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Stinky Pinky Definition and Examples
Stinky Pinky Definition and Examples A rhyming epithet, such as glad dad for a happy father, or wild child for an uncontrollable youngster, is called a stinky pinky. Made up of an adjective and a rhyming noun, a stinky pinky is a type of rhyming compound that functions as a playful definition. As a word game, stinky pinky goes by various names, including hink pink, hank pank, wordy gurdy, and brain train. Examples and Observations 50 Stinky Pinkies an artificial body of water fake lakea bashful insect shy flya bed on fire hot cota better cafe finer dinera better knife nicer slicera boxer who has lost weight lighter fightera cautious bird wary canarycerebral overwork brain strainthe chief of police top copa chubby kitty fat catcolored lemonade pink drinka dark-colored sled dog dusky huskya deceased Marxist dead reddehydrated soup chowder powdera dismal chorus dire choira ditch in Paris French trencha fast elevator swift liftthe funniest joke best jestan explosion in a hen house gizzard blizzarda fanatical slave zealot helota fat fish - stout trouta fuzzy fruit - hairy berrya greased hen slick chicka group yell team screama grumpy mountaintop cynical pinnaclea happier small dog merrier terriera holiday in Panama isthmus Christmasthe home of a small rodent mouse housean impolite man rude dudean inactive flower lazy daisyan ink-stained little finger inky pinkya large toupee big wigpermission to take so mething away removal approvala rabbit that makes you laugh funny bunnya sensible pupil prudent studenta skinny little horse bony ponya smarter author brighter writera smelly finger stinky pinkya smiling father happy pappya Snickers bar dropped on the beach sandy candya strange looking goatee weird bearda superior pullover better sweatera supervisor in a bad mood cross bossa suspicious looking clergyman sinister ministera tardy spouse late matea temperate youngster mild childa tiny insect wee beea useful rule effective directivea wet puppy soggy doggya young cat in love smitten kitten Shawn Colvin on the Stinky-Pinky Game To play Stinky Pinky, you thought of an adjective and a noun that rhymed, hence the name Stinky Pinky, and described the thing without rhyming in order to challenge the other players to guess your Stinky Pinky. You started out simply; a farm animals sea vessel would naturally be a goat boat, and so forth, although single-syllable answers were called Stink-Pinks, two-syllables Stinky Pinkys, and of course three-syllable rhymes were Stinkity-Pinkitys. One of my fathers favorite words to rhyme was gherkin, as in pickle. Dad thought of a loitering picklea lurkin gherkina saucy picklea smirkin gherkina busy picklea workin gherkin.(Shawn Colvin, Diamond in the Rough: A Memoir. William Morrow, 2012) How to Play Stinky Pinky This game has acquired more elegant names since I first played it as a child, but this is the name I knew . . .. The game requires two or more players. One player thinks up a rhyming pair of words and provides a verbal cluea non-rhyming definition. The other player(s) must discover the rhyming word pair. The example that comes immediately to mind from my childhood games is this one: Player A: obese feline animalPlayer B: fat cat I actually remember, at the age of seven or eight, learning the meaning of the words obese and feline in this context.The game encourages careful listening to the clue and narrowing down the possibilities for an answer, constrained by the syntax of the clue and the need to find rhyming words.(Margie Golick, Playing With Words. Pembroke, 1987) Stinky Pinkies in the 1940s Atlanta subdebs [teenage girls] have a little patois somewhat like old Pig Latin which they call Stinky Pinky. It contains words like Super-Snooper (a G-man), Flyer-Higher (an aviator), Snooty-Beauty (a debutante), Hen-Pen (a girls school), Jug-Mug (a man in jail), and Silly Filly (a young girl). (Subdebs. Life magazine, January 27, 1941) A Double Stinky Pinky A stinky pinky is a rhyming pair of words; one gives a paraphrase and the challenge is to recover the stinky pinky. I believe Paul [Halmos] is responsible for the following excellent double stinky pinky. Give a stinky pinky for an inebriated scoundrel. Answers: a drunk skunk or a plastered bastard. (Irving Kaplansky, Reminiscences. Paul Halmos: Celebrating 50 Years of Mathematics, ed. by John H. Ewing and F.W. Gehring. Springer-Verlag, 1991)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategy in action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategy in action - Essay Example The report also offers the company’s mission statements and corporate objectives touching on certain aspects that challenge the company’s strategic plan. The report further presents the analysis of the company using various approaches as they appeal to the author. Finally, the report concludes by giving a summery of the pertinent issues that emerged through out the study. Research has shown that successful businesses always know when and how to adapt and change in order for them to remain viable and competitive. This adaptation involves growing some areas of activity and cutting back on less profitable areas through the utilisation of good strategies. Strategy has been defined as a long-term business plan that a company develops and implements (Bradford, 2000). In this way, companies can often benefit from acquiring businesses operating in overseas markets for various reasons (De Wit and Meyer, 2004). In view of this, the top management team at Davis Service Group needs to come up with a water tight strategic plan proposing ways of how the company can enter and expand in Australia. This is in spite of the fact that the company has recorded some success in its expansion programme as shown by Haines (2006). Available studies show that Davis Service Group decided to expand its textile sector by growing organically in line with its strategic plan, which is proposed to be implemented within a five-year period (Haines, 2006). The London-based Davis Service Group dates back to the early 1900s operating in three primary areas namely Textile Maintenance, Tool Hire, and Building Systems as cited by Moore (1995). Although the Davis Service Group provides overall direction, each of the three sections operates more or less as an autonomous business, each with its own board of directors and management (Foley, 2001). Among the three, Textile Maintenance is the company’s largest division in terms of revenue. The division is primarily
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
TV ratings Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
TV ratings - Coursework Example For example, if channel CBS shows Criminal Minds at 10pm and has a rating of 25 then, according to Nielson, 25% of the household audience is watching the program. In addition, an individual needs to find the market share of a program as it is the estimate percentage of the number of households who have television and are watching the program. For example, if channel ABS airs the program Dance with the stars at 8.00pm and has a market share of 40 this means that 40% of the people watching TV at that particular time are watching the same program. Moreover, to have spot trends in the market help Media Managers identify audience problems. For example, if channel fox airs master chef at 7.00am, which has weak ratings, then there is a possibility that the ratings could recover after some time. This is because the program may be aired at a time when the target audience is not available. Lastly, tracking numbers of people helps to know if people are watching the program. The Nielson report captures viewers of all age groups. However, it may be difficult to know the actual numbers between women and men ages, as much as these numbers matter most to advertisers. The result is that the audience splits due to the gender and age groups, therefore the number of people watching certain programs reduce significantly (Beville, 9). The target audience for most of the top ten programs attracts young families. This is because programs such as modern family, is a family program and the parents together with the kids can watch the program that is suitable for all family viewing. In addition, programs like criminal minds and the big-bang theory allows all members of the family to watch. 18-49 years is the target age of most of the top 10 programs. I feel the target audience for the top 10 shows attracts families because, the programs are friendly to everyone in the family and parents do not have to censor worst scenes,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Induction and training Essay Example for Free
Induction and training Essay Inductions for staff are a huge concern for many organisations because it provides them with information about their duties and responsibilities. However it is procedure an employee experiences when beginning a new job. It also assures them how important and effective customer service is in the travel and tourism industry, however it also enables them to adapt into the organisation quicker as it will help them gain knowledge and be more familiar with the facilities at the organisation. Induction and training also discusses all the procedures which the staff need to know which about and what is compulsory in a work environment. Thus induction procedures are carried out in many different ways; this varies from company to company. However there are certain items which need to be discussed by law for instance health and safety, first aid and which way the fire exits are. Some company also have the disciplinary procedures which is also a very compulsory factor for many organisations. Booklets and leaflets are also given out at inductions including all the reasonable precautions however this is also carried out verbally as well as just being written down. On the other hand many organisations like their staff to be fully familiar with the history of the organisation and other major information about the company and again this varies from company to company. Training is another way to improve the skills and knowledge and make employees more familiar with their job roles and what they are responsible for; this will also help them gain a better understanding about the company and how to take care of its customers needs. It is vital for staff to provide good service so when training is being taken at a work place it is mainly because it benefits the organisation in many different ways, when someone is being trained to do a certain job they are being taught how to handle things, for instance customers and their needs. If an organisation has fully trained staff it benefits customer service in many ways for example satisfied customers, increased sale, repeat business, better public image and edge over the competition. We all know excellent customer service brings higher sales and raises profit which benefits the organisation and the external customers as well as the internal customers. However training new employees would also help them feel more motivated about their job, as well as help them be more familiar with the organisation itself. On the other hand when employees are being trained they are also being taught how to deal with external and internal customers in an appropriate way, for instance the other members of staff who may be working with you. However when employees adapt into the working environment they also need to adapt with the people that are there as well as the organisation which they work for to make it a nice environment to work in, so basically if employees get on well with other members of staff their will be happier staff and in result of that there will be better business and more happier and efficient workforce for the staff. Thus, training may also help employees build up their self confidence in other words it may help them get to know other members of staff ; starting a new job may be quite nerve racking. However some employees starting a new job may lack of self esteem because there not sure what the should and shouldnt be doing, and they may also be scared that if they did something wrong they may be laughed at, however an a induction may change that because it will make them more relaxed and more motivated about their new work place. However it also helps staff to absorb the information and adjust the information faster on those areas they are being trained on, this is good news for the external customers because a happy workforce leads to team work and greater efficiency, and this then eventually leads to excellent customer service. Training staff also makes a good working atmosphere for them as they will get on with the their colleagues more so this will make the workplace a friendly workplace, however also may improve job satisfaction as this will help employees love their job and take pride in it, this leads to improved chances of promotion of the company. Training would also look into how to communicate with customers as well as understand their needs, Good customer service is more than just selling products to customers, and it takes motivation and skill in how you deal with them. All employees in the travel and tourism industry need to know how to communicate with their customers appropriately, and how to use different skills in different situations whatever job you do because you dont know when you might be expected to deal with a customer and because you cannot walk away from it. Training gives guidance and teaches different types of communication as well as builds up enthusiasm. The Marriott Hotel At the Marriott Hotel customer service is extremely crucial like it is for any other companies in the travel and tourism industry; there are many principles of customer service at the Marriott which is why it is compulsory for hotel to train their staff up to a certain standard. Thus, although it may mean that it costs the hotel up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2000 to go through recruitment for each employee they train it is still worth the money. At the Marriott they believe that training and induction are preparing staff to provide good customer service. However this is beneficial to the organisation because it improves job knowledge and builds confidence this would result to more motivated and happier working staff which means employment cost will be reduced. Induction at the Marriott At the Marriot hotel there is a 3 day induction procedure which is an initial training procedure. Initial training which is provided by the organisation to new members of staff, as the hotel believes that recruiting new members of staff is quite a big investment for the Marriot. However this is a very long period for training process for the hospitality industry. Thus, the initial training takes place at the hotel itself and they use up their own facilities and conference rooms. The Marriot takes a high interest in providing high standards which is why they dont mind whatever it costs to train their staff; as they strongly believe that the this training also benefits the organisation as well as the employees. The initial training covers a wide area of knowledge to cover by the employees which involves many factors form providing information, health and safety, company history, manual training, control of substances and so on. The hotel believes telling the new staff about the companys history as it will make the employees feel apart of the organisation because they know everything about it, however it would also make the staff feel extremely motivated and happy. However it is also very important for staff to be familiar with the organisations history because it looks extremely professional when staff has the information about the organisation as they may be asked questions in relation to the organisation by the visitors, and if they struggle to give answers it may make the organisation lose its credits. Staff must also go though the general information about the hotel for instance the managers name and the procedures of how to handle a complaint, at the Marriott they may have a certain way of handling a certain compliant because the customer would not care how long the member of staff has been working there whether its just for 3 days or six months they have paid and they except answers and good service. The Marriott trains their new employees incredibly well up to a pace where it allows the employees to comprehend and well and understand the work up to a standard as well as recognise the importance of it. However induction at the Marriott has many areas to cover, and one thing the hotel takes into serious account is providing the new employees with general information on the hotel, for instance what the organisation does, all though this may be obvious it is still mandatory for staff to be familiarised with this sort of information. Thus, during these inductions employees are also made to be familiar with their role in relation to the hotel. On the other hand, by law it is officially permitted employers should provide their new employees with the terms and conditions which involve with the job, in many cases this is a written statement. At the Marriott they believe providing their new employees with this sort of information may be a really good idea as this will give them a good taste of the companys scheme. However this involves things such as the hours of work, such as the working hours and the flexi-time system and the pension scheme if necessary, this is so employees are familiar with the major policies. Thus, inductions also include other various areas as well such as holidays, absence sickness reporting procedures and so on, however they also go through the any uniform standards as this also relates to health and safety as well as personal hygiene. On the other hand the Marriott believes that employees must be taught and told how to wear their uniforms correctly, because visitors judge the whole organisations by how the staff present themselves, at the Marriott they dont want their staff coming to work looking like that have just been down the fashion aisle, as the Marriott only likes the professional look, which is why they tell their new employees to keep it simple. However keeping the uniform simple doesnt just mean wearing the uniform correctly it also means that they do not want their staff in to much make up and big jewellery. Another area which is very important as the Marriott is the food and safety procedures Thus, at the Marriott they also provide other trainings such as the learn model which teaches the staff how to handle complaints and acknowledge it effectively. At the Marriott the learn model is important as it makes the guests feel they are most welcome at the hotel, the may also feel as though they are being valued so they may go away and then come back, repeat customers. LEARN model Listen Empathise Apologise React Notify On the other hand there is also the guest model; this procedure teaches how staff should treat guests. Greet the guests Use the guests name Establish guests needs Show interest in the guests Thank the guest Conclusion I think it is most fundamental for the employees at the Marriott to receive that sort of induction and training as it will keep up the professional image which the hotel has already succeeded in. I suppose this kind of induction policy at the Marriott permits the staff to receive comprehensive training and it will also help them boost their eagerness on their particular job they are doing and it will also make them feel more motivated. On the other hand I also think that induction policy will also allow staff to strengthen their communication skills, because they may also learn different methods and techniques when it comes to selling a products or even presenting it. Better communication skills also permit an individual, a sales person in this case to adapt and identify an excellent sales presentation for different types of customers; however this would again result in excellent customer service. At the Marriott, they rely on their staff bring out the best of their customers by providing a good service and projecting a professional image. This is because at the Marriott they are keen on receiving good attitudes from their customers, as this will result in happy staff as well as happy customers. On the other hand employees who offer good product knowledge are the ones who are motivated about their job, because they can advise customers as they have been trained to do so. Probationary period at the Marriott The probationary period at the Marriott is a three month process; however this process starts after the induction programme. Though the probationary period allows staff to pick up many skills and knowledge about their jobs and in many cases it may also be useful in the future if that employee is considering another job in that same direction. However the probationary period permits staff to work under many different conditions. It is short-term, temporary contract which allows the employers and the Marriott to consider and assess closely how the employee is getting on with the job, if they are managing it well. On the other hand it also involves personal judgements of the staff employing the employee as they decide whether they are capable of doing this job and establish whether or not they should offered the job. Conclusion I believe that the probationary period at the Marriott benefits the hotel a lot as they are spending a lot of money on recruiting and training many different people. However the probationary period helps them ensure that they have hold of the right people as it provides a good indication to both the staff member and the organisation on how the staffs is finding the job. On going training at the Marriott Every organisation believes it is mandatory to train employees legally; training needs to be motivational and engaging as this will help new employees handle responsibilities proficiently and adapt to the environment faster. On the other hand training would also increase knowledge and contribution in the workforce. Conversely there are also many health and safety laws related when it comes to training staff and at the Marriott Hotel. They are very aware of these strict regulations which are why the Marriott has a training policy which makes sure that new employees are trained clearly and instructed well to their duties. The Marriott has a specific standard operating procedure which ensures that employees are taught how to work safely up to a certain standard, the Marriott standard, however this strict regulation runs across the globe in every Marriott Hotel there is. At the Marriott, employees are made aware of all the risks and hazards they may come into contact with, they are told how to deal with these situations and are also made aware about the emergency procedures. Health and safety training mostly take place during working hours and during these lessons employees are adequately supervised. During training at the Marriott it is emphasised to the staff that good customer service is one of the main aims of the organisation. However throughout the training role play situations are introduced where the staff are put into the customers shoes or given a part to play. Like any other organisations the Marriot believes every customer deserves first class service and has two main aims which are making profit and providing excellent customer service, which is why the role plays are really effective. This is really a good idea because it gives the new staff a good flavour of what their job roles are like. On the other hand throughout the role plays it also allows the staff to realise how it is like to be a customer on the receiving end of service provided by the staff and judge whether that is a bad or good service. However the intense training procedure goes on forever, throughout their whole career, because the Marriott believes the more training an employee receives the better they will be at the their jobs. At the Marriott the on going training procedures which start as soon as the employee starts the job, there are two levels of induction. On the other hand there is also another level, making it 3 levels al together, however level 3 much more advanced and is provided for certain job roles, for a particular employee. On level 3 there are many different types of trainings which contribute to an individuals development of their job, so this level may vary from employee to employee as they all have different job roles However level 1 takes for 90 days as soon as the employee is on the job, this is al about the health and safety regulations. On the other hand level 2 is what the do for the first 180 days which is just provided to people who do room operation which is to help them increase knowledge on their job. However I think the passport to success training procedure at the Marriott is very effective at as it allows the new employees to adapt quicker and maintain a higher standard of work performance. On the other hand it may also allow staff to gain a good understanding of all the factors which may affect work performance and if they are trained will enough to avoid these or deal with then this would benefit the organisation very much. However the passport to success is a very optimistic idea as it allows employers to split up the training levels and provide those to the individuals who it may apply to most and more targeted at their job. I believe this training will increase enthusiasm, motivation and satisfaction for the individual. At the Marriott there is also another 20 day period orientation which monitors how well the employee is doing at their job and how they are progressing. However this is a unit and it is targeted at particular employees as it allows the manager to interview them. This interview by the manager is done again after 2 months, during this interview the manger takes into consideration whether the objectives are met by this particular employee. I believe this is very effective as this allows both the employee and the manger to indentify any necessary development needed for the individual for instance the employee might be having a rough time with other co-workers or they might be finding a certain part of their job difficult to do. However it also makes the employer feel they are being taken into thought and what they feel is right can make a difference, there again this increases job satisfaction. At the hotel there is training involved which involves staff with daily short takes. This procedure takes up to 15 minutes and is done every month; however this is done by everybody in the department and is called the short take training. However this training varies form department to department so for instance in the food department they will go over the food and hygiene, health and safety and finally how to serve the customers. On the other hand in the housekeeping department staff will be taught how to iron, how to do the beds, how to clean and how to maintain certain parts of the room. Although these tasks may sound very basic it allows the staff to expand their abilities on doing things and engage into doing effective management. However the short take training is prepared by the Human Resource department at the hotel, Te HR has facilitation role in relative to the inductions and training which goes on at the Hotel. The HR provides the tools which may be needed in training; they also support individuals on achieving the most as they do the performance review process on each of them. The HR keeps all the records of their staff and support them in relation to each individuals aims. It is very important for the HR to keep these reports of their staff of all training because it will have the evidence of what each individual staff have been trained and what needs to repeated. I believe that this is very relevant to the consult workers as they be more aware of the conditions which they staff are in, on the other hand it is also very effective and considerate.It is very considerate because sometimes training need to be repeated time to time and keeping track of that on a data security system in the HR would be extremely helpful At the Marriott the hotel is very keen in keeping their old staff rather than recruit new ones all the time which spend an awful lot of money on and take into serious account. However the hotel believes if a member of staff isnt still progressing well after all the training they have received other the forts 3 months they should not be thrown out the job. The hotel provides these weak staff with a buddy to mentor that weak individual for up to a certain period. On the other hand another time an individual who is provided with a buddy could be because they had been given a compliant letter. I believe that this would be very helpful and effective. This will allow the weak staff to watch and learn, this may also give them a chance to become accustomed more into their job as they will be watching others and from there they can be more familiar with what may be right and what may be wrong. The Marriott looks in for the best for each and every employee and do things which will benefit both the employee and the organisation. The hotel also provide their managers and assistant managers with training, they also pay for most of their employees to go to university and become more successful at their current job or what they might want to do in the future. The hotel is very fond of university graduates. Benefits of training Training staff helps improve their skills and also increases the efficiency of the organisation, in this case the Marriott Hotel. Training allows employees to develop a picture of the skills and talents needed at the workforce. It introduces improved job satisfaction by from employees as it allows them to feel more become accustomed with their job. On the hand staff will feel more secure and will find their jobs easier to do, they will also enjoy their work and feel more motivated which will then lead to more sense of pride and increase self confidence. However training staff would also make a more pleasant place to work for them and would co-operate with their colleagues more and work well together, however they be friendly and be polite which would make them be supportive and this would be result a happier staff and a happier work force. Training staff brings out the best in them, it allows staff to provide higher principles of their work performance; it enables them to understand and appreciate their job and job roles. On the other hand when there is a group of staff in department who are trained there is always a lot of team spirit, because training allows them to work with co-workers and they get to cooperate wit them. Training ensures that objectives are met and that each employee gains the best knowledge of their work role and understands it clearly; on the other hand, it prepares and equips the employees up to a certain standard which will make them capable of working and achieving their goals and work objectives, personally and potentially. I imagine that training staff well is the best way to maintain the professional image of an organisation as it will provide good quality service. The Marriott hotel appears to be the most successful in that as they provide their employees with all the different types of f training there is in the book. Which they also believe is the solution to good service. Where there is good service there is a big number of customers, good service benefits the customers as this makes them happy and more relaxed. And they will be more satisfied with the products and services they have paid for and the way they have been treated. Customers are the most fundamental when it comes to running business and as they will be paying the prices, so to please them I believe training is the only answer. Training helps staff gain, refine and update knowledge and improve their proficiency in the work place leaving them to be successful in all the work roles without getting a complaint or without feeling like they dont know what to do. Staff providing efficient and effective service Benefits to the Organisation The hotel is extremely competitive like every other organisation and it does its best to win business. If at an organisation the employee provides efficient and effective service the organisation would benefit from that in many ways. The Marriott Hotel would boost the image of the organisation because the staff would have a better job knowledge and provide better service; the better service the more the hotel meets its requirements, in other words the Marriott standards. At the Marriott hotel costs up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2000 to go thought the recruitment for one employee. Training at the Marriott does cost a lot of money and it is also time consuming but the Marriott hotel doesnt mind because they know at the end it is them who it would benefit the most in the long run. To gain public relation is huge factor to be considered by an organisation, public relations help create a good image for the organisation. good induction training programme will increase the number of motivated employees, and they may also be aware of a more effectual response to training, staff wont walk out of the job as they will feel they enjoy doing their job as well as being satisfied. On the other hand it will improve communications and relationships generally towards their managers. Benefits to the Organisation and shareholders The organisation shareholders are the ones who benefit the most because there will be more sales and increased market share which will result in making more money because there will be repeat business and recommendations. On the other hand good services always lead to repeat business, and old customers continue to return. Customers usually trust organisations where they have received good service and build up loyalty towards them and recommend it to people elsewhere so they may also become customers. However it may cause an edge over competition as other organisation may start to compete wit them so the receive the same amount of customers By providing excellent service an organisation will have better chance in maintaining existing customers and also attracting new ones. Training staff is a huge advantage to the hotel as the organisations image improves when dealing with customers, the organisation benefits most when there is good service which introduces more money to the company, more customers may also start to use the hotel. Benefits to the staff I think training helps staff become more competent and more flexible when doing their jobs, it increases their motivation and job satisfaction and they come to a stage where there is possible changes to be made in their job roles they adapt to that fast as they have been trained to do so. There may also be fewer accidents in the work place as they are trained to handle things and also shown how to do so. however I believe that once the staff are fully trained they may leave that job and go look for a better job which may pay them slightly more, because I think at the Marriott staff are over trained for their particular job. Benefits to the customers The benefit of training is that it allows employees to provide excellent customer service and also creates a very professional image of the organisation which then brings in new customers. However a good customer service provided by members of staff at the Marriott will always keep their customers happy and more satisfied. . On the other hand they may also feel contempt as well as pleased with the services provided as well with the products on which they are spending their money on. However if this kind of high-quality service carries on customers will always return. They will also be bringing new customers along wit them as they well pass on the good things to other people telling them what a good time they had at the hotel. In other terms this is also known repeat business. Overall Conclusion Overall I believe training staff should be considered a very is a significant aspect for all organisations if they are willing to succeed and do well in the long run. I feel training helps preserve new customers as well as the old ones to the organisation and this allows organisation to build their businesses well. However I feel that the Marriott hotel has become extremely conscious and aware of all the benefits training will bring to their business and that they are focusing well on that. Bibliography This was an extremely good site, it had all the laws and policies run by the government regarding induction and training procedures. I found the site very useful . Books Induction training- By Michael Meighan This explained a lot about what happens in inductions and training, this was very helpful as it had the information I was looking for. Induction Pocketbook (Management Pocketbooks) by Ruth Sangale This book was not as useful as it only contained basic information which I was already very familiar with but just needed some holes filling in, so it was helpful in some ways. How to Design and Deliver Induction Training Programmes (Practical Trainer) by Michael Meighan- This was very supportive as it explained in sections of what needs to be done at trainings and the importance of it. I would really recommend this book to anybody who is thinking to run a business and wants to be successful doing it as it was very accommodating
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay examples --
Merced Home Products-Accounting Ethics Case Wayne A Shaker OMGT 308-001.2014,SP, Financial and Managerial Accounting Instructor: Paul H. Robinson, JD, CPA â€Æ' Most profit making companies understand conducting business within an ethical reporting framework is the proper way to report quarterly results. Often accounting managers are given opportunities to exercise judgment in financial reporting, using their knowledge about the business to improve the effectiveness of financial statements. However, accounting professionals need to perform their job tasks in accordance with laws, regulations, and technical standards while supplying information that is accurate, clear, concise, and timely. At the same time, managers need to be free from pecuniary anxieties, and disclose all relevant information that could influence an intended recipients understanding of the analyses or reports. However, when managers have incentives to produce positive results, profit management can occur while misleading those who review the company’s financial statements. In the case of Merced Home Products Inc., recently hired controller Stacy Cummins has stumbled upon an accounting procedure causing her great concern. Being a new controller, Stacy reviewed the financial statements of the Home Security division discovering profits improved each quarter until a year end climax with outstanding performance. According to the assistant controller, the standard costs had been modified by Vice President, Preston Lansing to reflect positive earnings as the fiscal year progressed. Upon further investigation, Ms. Cummins discovered the president of the Merced Home Products was aware of the reporting using questionable standards and had chosen not to bother Pres... ...ose developed by the Institute of Management Accountants ("Ima," n.d.). The guidelines for ethical behavior cover professional competence, confidentiality, personal integrity, for individuals disclosing financial information. Of course, ethical behavior in reporting is critical to establish creditability to any company to infuluence growth and outside investment. In the end, ethical conduct of the individuals reporting results is essential for maintaining a solid reputation and support continued success. References Brewer, P. C., & Garrison, R. H. (2013). Introduction to managerial accounting (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Federal Securities Laws. (2002). Retrieved April 29, 2014, from Ima. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2014, from
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Case Study Summary Intergovernmental Relations and Ocean Policy Change: 1971-85 Essay
As I focus on summarizing the case study pertaining to â€Å"Intergovernmental Relations and Ocean Policy Change: 1971-85†, there are several aspects that should be considered. One of the most essential as well as important aspects involves understanding the affects that policy changes have toward society. In my opinion, this case study is an appropriate example of how the concerns within political transmit inactivity or change because of corporate and profit growth. Although the dumping in oceans does have effect on all individuals; it is quite easier to obtain a profit if it associates with the correct power of political or connection. However, this case study addresses the changes of policy and political concerns influenced in the 1970’s to the mid 80’s. In this essay, I will summarize the key issues and select a point of view on ocean dumping to discuss. President Nixon announced in the early 1970’s his opinion toward administration, which stated that America should decide on un-regulated ocean dumping. After this immediately addressed the EPA nationally, while the Administration presented the appointed leaders, this notion was fully supported and a bill was spearheaded, which soon after 1972 convince Congress to pass the Act of MPRSA (Stewart, Hedge Jr. & Lester, 2008). This new bill was composed to place strict guidelines within history and be considered as a way toward completely terminating ocean dumping. In addition to the new bill or policy, a permit system was established to place limitations on all other materials as well as prospect of damage items. However, the EPA introduced their final recommendations by October 1973 to discontinue all dumping regardless of reasons encountered by corporation that it would not bring harm to lives of marines. Furthermore, the EPA was determined as being the first to authorize protection for the oceans.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Dont Get Me Started Essay
Public transport! Don’t you just think people absolutely love them? Just don’t get me started on buses, taxies, trains and planes. I totally understand that public transport is for us and to meet are individual needs and to make are life’s easier but sometimes public transport is not the best source to travel, trust me on this one! London, Birmingham, Manchester all has public transport and they are all horrendous. Don’t get me started on, if they are road works going on, strikes, and trains getting cancelled . The things which annoy me about public transport are, let’s take buses for example: Buses they are awful! On one December morning as you stand in the freezing cold as it rains and drip drop drip as the rain falls on you, your nose red as a tomato and your finger tips frozen as ice waiting for a bus, do you agree with me or not? As you just wait for the big bright lights to shine fiercely and to glow in the distance as you wait patiently. Trains are better but they still have negatives just like buses, with trains you just can’t even be a minute late because the train is just not going to wait, as you are running 100 miles per hour just like an athlete Usain Bolt as he runs like a cheetah and sprints cross the track. Get ready for the roller coaster ride of your life time†¦ Meanwhile as we stand there and wait for a bus and getting late for school, college, university and work as you look at are watches the bus it coming at 8:30 am, as we look are watches after 10 minutes its 8:40 am, there is no bus in site, as you look at the bus timetable for two minutes to and look around the bus has come and its driving away, As you run behind the bus to catch it, You jump in to it and fall right in someone’s lap, Awchh! Oh my god! After falling over right in someone lap and finally finding a seat, then you have to face the grumpy general public of the UK you just have sit next to someone which you don’t want to, they look funny, smell funny and blasting music which you can hear though their earphones which is very disturbing. People sat around you, coughing, sneezing in your lovely ace which is not very hygienic and not clean and its worse when you have to stand up in a train and hang on to one of the supporting barriers and people are just stood right next to you and have their long arm up in air right next to your face and awful and very disturbing smells spreading in the air. There is always one in the train or bus which just has nothing better to do and just stare at everyone. Public transport is essential to get around but we face many troubles every day in then and in the moring rush hour, as people rush to get on the buses and trains as they: push, run and bang into each other.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Better Understanding of, I have a dream essays
A Better Understanding of, I have a dream essays A Better Understanding of, I have a dream On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered one of the most famous speeches of all time to an audience of more than 200,000 civil rights supporters on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In his, I have a dream speech, King addressed his encouragement of white and black people working together to achieve racial peace and harmony. He especially wanted to teach the young blacks that equality could be gained through the use of non-violence. The main reason King used nonviolence was to create a situation so different from the usual, that it will open the door to negotiations of desegregation and equal opportunity. King also urged African Americans to never forget their dreams and preached that in the eyes of God, blacks should be treated as equals because they are as good as any other race. The statement that stands out the most to me in Kings speech is, I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. In this statement, King meant that he wanted to achieve the equality of every race in a place where only the white man was welcome and accepted. King had an ideal American dream where there was no prejudice, no hate, and where everyone was equal. King felt it was important for his message to appeal to all people no matter what race they were. King also felt it was important for African Americans to love and respect people of all races even though they had been brutally beaten by segregationists. The most important aspect of the speech was for all people, especially whites and blacks, to have respect for one another or else America would remain in segregation. There were many things that occurred during the civil rights movement for the &qu...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of Lugenia Burns Hope
Biography of Lugenia Burns Hope Social reformer and community activist Lugenia Burns Hope worked tirelessly to create change for African-Americans in the early twentieth century. As the wife of John Hope, an educator and president of Morehouse College, Hope could have lived a comfortable life and entertained other women of her social class. Instead, Hope galvanized women in her community to improve the living conditions of African-American communities throughout Atlanta. Hopes work as an activist influenced many grassroots workers during the Civil Rights Movement. Key Contributions 1898/9: Organizes with other women to establish daycare centers in the West Fair community. 1908: Establishes the Neighborhood Union, the first womens charity group in Atlanta. 1913: Elected chairwoman of Womens Civic and Social Improvement Committee, an organization that works to improve the education for African-American children in Atlanta. 1916: Assisted in the establishment of Atlantas National Association of Colored Womens Clubs. 1917: Becomes director of the Young Womens Christian Associations (YWCA) hostess house program for African American soldiers. 1927: Appointed member of President Herbert Hoovers Colored Commission. 1932: Elected First Vice President of the Atlanta chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Early Life and Education Hope was born in St. Louis, Missouri on February 19, 1871. Hope was the youngest of seven children born to Louisa M. Bertha and Ferdinand Burns. In the 1880s, Hopes family moved to Chicago, Illinois. Hope attended schools such as the Chicago Art Institute, the Chicago School of Design and Chicago Business College. However, while working for settlement houses such as Jane Adams Hull House Hope began her career as a social activist and community organizer. Marriage to John Hope In 1893, while attending the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago, she met John Hope. The couple married in 1897 and moved to Nashville, Tennessee where her husband taught at Roger Williams University. While living in Nashville, Hope renewed her interest in working with the community by teaching physical education and crafts through local organizations. Atlanta: Grassroots Community Leader For thirty years, Hope worked to improve the lives of African Americans in Atlanta, Georgia through her efforts as a social activist and community organizer. Arriving in Atlanta in 1898, Hope worked with a group of women to provide services to African-American children in the West Fair neighborhood. These services included free day care centers, community centers, and recreational facilities. Seeing the high need in many poor communities throughout Atlanta, Hope enlisted the help of Morehouse College students to interview community members concerning their needs. From these surveys, Hope realized that many African Americans not only suffered from societal racism but also a lack of medical and dental services, inadequate access to education and lived in unsanitary conditions. By 1908, Hope established the Neighborhood Union, an organization providing educational, employment, recreational and medical services to African Americans throughout Atlanta. Also, the Neighborhood Union worked to reduce crime in African American communities in Atlanta and also spoke out against racism and Jim Crow laws. Challenging Racism on the National Level Hope was appointed the Special War Secretary for the YWCAs War Work Council in 1917. In this role, Hope trained hostess-house workers for the return of African-American and Jewish soldiers. Through her involvement in the YWCA, Hope realized that African-American women were faced with significant discrimination within the organization. As a result, Hope fought for African-American leadership of branches services African-American communities in the southern states. In 1927, Hope was appointed to the Colored Advisory Commission. In this capacity, Hope worked with the American Red Cross and discovered that African-American victims of the Great Flood of 1927 were faced with racism and discrimination during the relief efforts. In 1932, Hope became the first vice president of the NAACPs Atlanta chapter. During her term, Hope managed the development of citizenship schools which introduced African-Americans to the importance of civic participation and the role of government. Mary McLeod Bethune, director of the Negro Affairs for the National Youth Administration, recruited Hope to work as her assistant in 1937. Death On August 14, 1947, Hope died of heart failure in Nashville, Tennessee.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Australian History Convict Transportation Essay
Australian History Convict Transportation - Essay Example For which the impact of the changes has brought the mortality rate of convicts on board to a lower rating. From the embarkation of convicts for their exile to a remote or distant land, several emotional responses are encountered - swearing, cursing, wrangling, and lamenting. Included in it, is the verdict that they will be going through while on board a transport. Their predicaments initially in the hulks during their actual voyages include such as: authorities who less care about their welfare, and the unsanitary conditions, resulting them to death before, during or immediately, after the voyage, where historians attribute the initially high mortality rates to a failure in organization.1 To ensure convicts' health and welfare, standard operating procedures are conveyed with a brief summary of regulations such that: The British Government has hitherto regarded the transportation of prisoners as the chief mode of providing labor in the colonies; punishment and utility have been connected so as to render convict labor alike beneficial to the colonists and conducive to the best interests of the parent state; all convicts sent out are to be newly clad, and ample rations of wholesome food are to be apportioned to them; health is preserved by cleanliness, which is strictly attended to, and the ship owners are bounded by the terms of their charter to supply each prisoner with at least half-a-gallon of water per day; and care is also taken that they are not subjected to any oppressive or capricious treatment.2 Attempts had been made to reduce the death rates in prison hulks, including the provision of adequate space, proper nutrition, personal cleanliness, hygienic living conditions, reasonable working conditions, regular medical care, the exclusion and isolation of those with contagious diseases, and also an opportunity for secular redemption. The result was impressive. Death rate in the hulks had been reduced. However, after a period of experimentation and learning, they were repeated on the convict ships. Though, initially, improvements were achieved in the hulks.3 The evidences according to records describe and picture convict voyages with much higher mortality rating than in the later phases. Deaths were caused more by diseases than by accidents and violence. Where, most deaths that were caused by diseases are attributed to acute infectious diseases rather than to chronic diseases. The main acute infectious diseases cited are dysentery in the Atlantic slave trade; typhus, cholera, and smallpox on European voyages to North America and Australia; cholera and meningitis on Indian voyages to Fiji; and dysentery on Pacific Islander voyages to Fiji and Queensland. The occurrences of epidemics on intercontinental voyages created differentiating opinions that caused some individuals to conduct researches comparing the early and the later phase of the convict era. During the early phase (before 1815), determining factors before the embarkation of convicts aboard comprehend the high mortality rates of convicts. The lack of immunity of the populations at the ports or regions of embarkation to a range of acute infectious diseases, and the ease with which these diseases spread in the often unsanitary conditions under which passengers were housed prior to embarkation. Medical examinations prior to embarkation were perfunctory. Infectious diseases were often carried on board by sick passengers where
Friday, November 1, 2019
Respiratory therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Respiratory therapy - Essay Example He did not see a doctor although he was advised to. At the point when his fever reached 38.3 C (101F) and he was experiencing shortness of breath he drove himself to the hospital. O: Patient was well-nourished, and in respiratory distress n 2l/min oxygen by nasal cannula. His blood pressure was 165/90, heart rate of 120 bpm, respiratory rate of 33/min and oral temperature of 39.5 C (105F). "He demonstrated a frequent strong "hacky" and productive cough of white and yellow sputum. His skin appeared pale and damp." At the pronunciation of the 99 phrase the increased tactile and vocal fremitus were observed over the right lower lung along with bronchial sounds in the same region. His oxygen saturation was 87% and his arterial blood gases were as follows: "pH 7.56, PaCO2 24 mmHg, HCO3 -24 mmol/L, PAo2-56mmHg. His chest X-ray shows a right lobe infiltrated with pneumonia, air bronchograms, and alveolar consolidation. His white blood cell count was 21,000mm^3. S: The therapist performing the rounds, 6 hours later, noticed that the patient complained that his doctor is too "young" and that he feels worse when he came to the hospital, although at this time his vitals were better O: high blood pressure at 135/85, hr=90bpm, and resp, rate=19/min; oral temperature was 37.3C or 99F.; he also had strong nonproductive cough; chest ray indicated a partial resolution of the pneumonia, his bronchial breath sounds were audible and his SPO2 and ABGs values improved
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Evaluation of Corporate Performance Research Paper
Evaluation of Corporate Performance - Research Paper Example Its Server and Tools division offers server software, training to developers, cloud-based services. Its Business division offers Microsoft Office and related products. The company markets its products and services across most part of the world. Income Statements (all figures in millions) Year ended June 30, 2011 2012 2013 2014 (projected) Revenue $ 69,943 73,723 77,849 85,634 Cost of Revenue $ 15,577 17,530 20,249 22,274 Gross Profit $ 54,366 56,193 57,600 63,360 Total operating expense $ 27,205 34,430 30,836 33,920 Income before income tax $ 28,071 22,267 27,052 29,940 Provision for income tax $ 4,921 5,289 5,189 5,689 Net income $ 23,150 16,978 21,863 24,251 Figures for the year ended 2014 has been arrived at by projecting 10% growth on revenues and cost of revenues. Income tax provision has been made in the same percentage as made in the current year to arrive at the net income after tax. Ratio Analysis Liquidity Ratios Liquidity of the company can be denoted by several kinds such as current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio, and cash conversion cycle. a. Current Ratio is given as Current Assets/Current Liabilities For the year ended 2013, Microsoft’s current Ratio = 101,466/37,417 = 2.71 b. Quick Ratio This is also known as the acid-test ratio. This takes into account the most liquid current assets to cover current liabilities. Inventory and less liquid current assets that cannot be converted to cash quickly are eliminated while calculating this ratio. This informs more liquid status of the company. Quick Ratio = (Cash & Equivalents + Accounts Receivable + Short-term Investments)/ Current Liabilities = (3804 + 17,486+73,218)/37,417 = 2.52 Financial Leverage c. The debt-equity ratio is one of the popular financial leverage ratios that provides information regarding the company's leverage state. This is given as = total liability/shareholder's equity = 63,487/78,944 = 0.8 This indicates that for every single dollar of share holder’s equity, there i s 0.8 dollar of debt. d. Debt Ratio Debt ratio is defined as total liabilities/total assets For Microsoft, it is calculated as 63,487/142,431= 0.45 In other words, 45% of the assets of Microsoft have been created from debt funds. Asset Management The return on assets employed in the company will provide information about how assets are used to generate return for shareholders. e. Return on Total Assets It is defined as Net Profit/ total assets employed = 21,863/142,431 =15.34% However, to understand how efficiently current assets are managed in enhancing shareholder’s wealth, it would be appropriate to find return on current assets. f. Return on Current Assets It can be given as net profit/current assets = 21,863/101,466 = 21.55% Profitability There are several measures of profitability and in this paper we calculate net profit margin and profitability against shareholder’s equity. g. Net Profit Margin is given as: Net profit/ revenue = 21,863/77,849 = 28% h. Profitabi lity on shareholders’ fund It can be given as net profit/ total equity = 21,863/78,944 = 27.7% Market Value The market value of the firm can be given by its market capitalization. i. Market Capitalization of Microsoft = No. of shares ? price/share = 8,328 ? 35.52 = $295.8 Billions j. Market Multiples (P/E) It will be interesting to understand P/E ratio in details. It is important to note that the closing price of any stock keeps fluctuating on daily
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Study On Improving Team Performance Management Essay
Study On Improving Team Performance Management Essay Performance management includes activities to ensure that goals of the organization are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. It also contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organizational performance. Performance management can focus on performance of the organization, a department, processes to build a product or service or the employees. It is about the organizational long-term goals and should link various aspects of the business, people management, and individuals and teams. Performance management should involve performance improvement, development and managing behavior. Unless there is a continuous development of individuals and teams, performance will not improve. The CIPD has identified the performance management by saying that it is:about establishing a culture in which individuals and groups take responsibility for the continuous improvement of business processes and of their own skills, behavior and contributions. It is about sharing expectations. Managers can clarify what they expect individual and teams to do; likewise individuals and teams can communicate their expectations of how they should be managed and what they need to do their jobs. It follows that performance management is about interrelationships and about improving the quality of relationships between managers and individuals, between managers and teams, between members of teams and so on, and is therefore a joint process. It is also about planning defining expectations expressed as objectives and in business plans and about measurement; the old dictum is If you cant measure it, you cant manage it. It should apply to all employees, not just managers, and to teams as much as individuals. It is a continuous process, not a one-off event. Last but not least, it is holistic and should pervade every aspect of running an organization. Now I work on a packing line in the Farm Packhouse. My day to day responsibilities involve: making sure that the punnets packed by me have the right weight and the quality meets the supermarket standards, ensuring the right labels are being used, separating first from second class, looking for progressive and non-progressive defects. I work on a packing line with five more girls. From my observation the problems that arise in our team come from poor communication between us, e.g. sometimes the line is overloaded and we need to stop packing, but not everyone is doing that. Also, due to poor communication and planning between and line leader and packhouse management, sometimes we have to wait for fruit or we will start packing and they will ask us to stop as we need to change the fruit in accordance to the orders. In these particular examples my responsibilities are limited as I am not the line leader and I am not responsible for planning the work. If there is a break down in the team communication, I talk to the other team members and try to explain that if we work together as one team and listen to each other we will be more productive and it will benefit us all. Another thing that is also an issue sometimes is the quality of the fruit that we have to pack. The quality controllers will have different opinion about the same fruit and one will say that we have to be very careful and tip the fruit and the other one will say that the fruit is good and we do not need to be so accurate. Again, I am quite limited as to how I can change this. One of my SMART objectives for the coming year is to become a QC. I am planning to talk to the QA manager and say from a packers point of view how this is disturbing our work. I will propose that the fruit is approved for packing by two QCs before it is loaded on the line, so that issues like that are minimised. I would say that the performance in our team is good. We work hard and make sure we do our job at the best of our abilities. Of course, sometimes our performance is not as good as it can be, but I believe this can be changed by better communication, clearer instructions, further training and more involvement. I believe that the leader on my line will benefit from with is performance. Some of his main duties include making sure we have enough fruit of the right quantity and quality on the line, making sure we have the right labels for the fruit we are packing, motivation and increasing the team performance, coordinating our work and breaks, putting the right labels on the pallets so that the packed fruit goes to the right supermarket. He and the other line leaders meet the Packhouse Assistant Manager in the morning after the daily orders have arrived, and they make the plan for the day. As mentioned above, I think that sometimes there is a lack in the communication about the right packing order of the fruit, e.g. which fruit has to be packed first based on the supermarket requirements. Also, his communication with the team can be improved. He does not get us involved as much as we would like to be involved. He finds it really hard to work under pressure and in there has been situation when he will be really stressed and this will affect his attitude towards us. I believe that our team leader needs to improve his communication both with us, his team and the management. He should involve us in the planning and the quality issues. Employees will only be able to perform at their best if they know their duties, obligations and rights and have an opportunity of making their views known to management on issues that affect them. Good communications is central to the management process and assume critical importance when dealing with changes in working practices and procedures. All managers need to communicate and consult with employees in order to be effective but they also need to exchange information with other managers. My thoughts can be supported by ACAS view on that topic: Employee communication and consultation offer many benefits although, done well, they require time and money. In particular good employee communications and consultation can: improve organizational performance improve management performance and decision making allowing employees to express their views can help managers and supervisors arrive at sound decisions which can more readily be accepted by employees as a whole; Improve employees performance and commitment employees will perform better if they are given regular, accurate information about their jobs such as updated technical instructions, targets, deadlines and feedback. Their commitment is also likely to be enhanced if they know what the organization is trying to achieve and how they, as individuals, can influence decisions help develop greater trust discussing issues of common interest and allowing employees an opportunity of expressing their views can engender improved management/employee relations increase job satisfaction employees are more likely to be motivated if they have a good understanding of their job and how it fits into the organisation as a whole and are actively encouraged to express their views and ideas. encourage a more flexible working environment employers can help to promote a good work-life balance within the organisation by talking to all their staff about developing flexible working policies and practices Communications and consultation are not, and should not, be an end in themselves. Nevertheless, used properly they have a key role to play both in ensuring the business success of organizations and in involving and empowering employees. In our case, if we trust the instructions given to us by the line leader, if we know exactly what is expected from us, if we know that the instructions will not change, if we are involved in the decision making, if our ideas are considered, we will feel motivated and our performance will increase. Never the less we work on piece rate and our performance is measured by the output, which means the more we pack the more we will earn, a job satisfaction and fulfillment will give us a long lasting motivation and performance drive. This is supported by Herzbergs motivation according to which people are influenced by two factors: Satisfaction and psychological growth are a result of motivation factors. Dissatisfaction is a result of a lack of hygiene factors Examples of Herzbergs hygiene needs in the workplace are: relationship with supervisor, work conditions, salary, status, security, relationship with subordinates. Herzbergs research identified that true motivators were other completely different factors, notably: achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility. Most managers realize that a happy workforce leads to improved performance which holds equally well for leadership and training. Performance counselling is a powerful motivational tool and can be defined as a formal discussion between a manager and a subordinate for the purpose of discussing the subordinates current job performance, determining why the performance is at its current level and outlining ways in which the subordinate can perform better in the future to the ultimate benefit of all: the subordinate, the manager and the organisation. They key is to focus on the future. The challenge to the manager is to provide a climate in which employee growth is actively encouraged. The team leaders at Hall Hunter Partnership are offered and attend different trainings. To help improve our team and our line leaders performance HHP can organize communication training and performance management training for the team leaders. At these courses things like improving communication, involving the workers, motivation theories (Maslow, Herzberg, equity, expectancy and goal motivation theories) should be discussed and examined in details. Also there should be regular meetings between the team and the leader, at which responsibilities, daily planning, weak and strong performance issues must be discussed. Another issue in our team is that in some situations our line leader does not treat all workers in the team equally. If there is a problem with the quality he might focus on couple of people from the team and constantly check their trays. This de-motivates these particular works and their performance becomes poor. The above is supported by Adams equity theory, according to which motivation is about the perception of fair and unfair treatment and distribution of resources between the employee and the employer. In order to improve our team performance and to deal with the performance issues our team has, I believe the following should be done: Have better communication both between the team and the line leader and the line leader and the packhouse management- this can be done by weekly meetings (on a Monday) at which the whole team meets and we discuss issues from the previous week and share ideas. These meetings will also help us build a team spirit so that we all feel involved as being part of a team. Have better planning- at the beginning of the day our line leader should meet the management and ask for the plan for the day. As we arrive at work he should share that with us. Attend training courses- the line leaders at the Packhouse should attend training courses which will improve their performance, which will also lead to improved team performance. Suitable courses I believe can be motivation, communication, stress management, planning courses. Treat all workers in the team equally- when the line leaders knows that we will be packing a poor quality fruit, he should have a meeting with all of us, describe the problem and monitor everyones performance in the same way. HHP has clear disciplinary and grievance procedures. Both of them are displayed in the farm office and in the induction. All workers are made aware of the policies as soon as they arrive on site. To make sure that they all understand them well, the company has translated them in four languages- Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian and Polish. The stages of the disciplinary procedure are verbal warning, written warning and dismissal. If a worker needs to be dismissed he is invited to a disciplinary meeting. All workers can be accompanied by a representative at the meeting. After that the worker can appeal if he does not agree with the outcomes of the meeting. The minutes of the meetings are always recorded and signed by the employee and the manager. It is really important that all meetings are recorded and an investigation is carried first. The consequence of making the wrong decision, or not following procedures, could lead to a claim to an employment tribunal and a subsequent award. In addi tion to any award, there are the costs of legal fees, poor productivity, lost management time and any effect on morale. In the summer I am a team leader on the field. I am responsible for monitoring the quality, making sure the lines are picked well, motivating the team to increase the performance, monitoring the workers performance. On our farm the workers are paid on piece work and set daily targets for them which they need to achieve. The first week they are in training period and we teach them how to pick. After that they start working on piece rate and their performance is monitored and they are given the targets- picked trays per hour. If they fail to achieve the rates they go through the disciplinary procedure. I, as a team leader, am responsible for the early stages of the disciplinary process. If there is a worker in my team who is not meeting the targets I will first try to find out why is that, check his picking technique, try to show him how he can pick fast. I will use counselling, will have a quiet word with the worker in question. If the performance is still poor and there is no improvement I will speak with the harvest manager. At that point the disciplinary procedure will come in force. The worker will be invited to a meeting at which both I and the harvest manager will be present. He will be issued with a verbal warning for poor performance. In more serious situations where the worker has conducted a gross misconduct- stealing a tray, changing the labels on a tray, fighting, coming drunk to work I will contact the harvest manager straight way. The worker will be dismissed by the harvest manager and no work will be offered to him. I always encourage my workers and tell them that if they have a complaint or a grievance they should come and talk to me first. Depending on the issue I will either try to solve the problem or get the harvest manager and the HR manager involved. The farm has also a worker council lead by the worker welfare representative. The workers know that they can discuss their problems there. The HR manager is involved in their meetings. The HR manager visits the sites regularly and speaks with the workers. Her telephone number is displayed on the notice board and the workers know they can contact her with any issues. I always encourage my workers to come and talk to me first. I try to have an open relationship with them, to treat them well and equally, to support and help them. If they have a complaint against me, I hope they come and talk to me first and try to resolve the issue together. The employees have very important part and a crucial role of running the business smoothly and efficiently. Using performance management can ensure that the employees not only fulfill their responsibilities, but do so to the best of their abilities and up to the company expectations. Performance management makes sure the employer uses the full potential of the staff. It is a process starting from monitoring and developing the desired traits to rating their progress and rewarding them for their achievements. The mere making of plans alone will not help a company to run business successfully. Focusing on the appropriate ways to get business tasks done is really important. One way of doing this efficiently is to involve the employees in the planning process. This will not only boost their morale and confidence, but also help avoid any communication gaps in the process. Measuring the performance of every employee is also important. This ensures that tasks are efficiently completed on time and on or under budget. It also points out any shortcomings of either the staff or business plans, and helps to take the appropriate corrective actions. Performance management gives the tools to instill the desired qualities in the employees in order to get the job done. Development is not limited to only individuals in the workplace, but also addresses the performance of the team as a whole. Evaluating and rating the performance of the employees on an individual basis is essential. This gives them a clear picture of where they presently stand, areas that they need to work on and what they are good at. This way, they can focus more on their weaknesses and work to strengthen those areas. Rewarding and appreciating the employees efforts ensures that their level of their performance and consequently the performance of the business is not compromised. It ensures optimum productivity, performance and maximum profitability. Rewarding the staff for a job well done not only enhance their performance but also serves as a tool to keep them motivated. Therefore, performance management is an effective system that allows companies to achieve their strategic and financial goals.
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